Actually every game he listed was good(with the possible exception of Forever Blue). People on these forums just don't take the Wii seriously because when you compare Wii screenshots with another console it's inferior. They refuse to accept the fact that there is more to a game then graphics.
There's a difference between gaming for long hours and gaming with a brain.
Most people on these forums could care less with how good an actual game is.
This is why most people don't know nor care that Oblivion and Rainbow Six were dumbed down, don't care they are getting ripped off by paying for XBL, hyping casual JRPG's such as Losy Odyessy and Final Fantasy.
How many times do you someone talk about level design? How many people do you see on here actually know that A.I. is more so up to the developer then system power (look at UT2004)? How many people on here do you see talk about how skillful a game is? How many people on here do you see looking for the next big small developer?
No you see them argue about the stupidest things ever. Who cares about how good a games graphics are? Who cares how many characters are on a screen? No seriously does this somehow makes the combat system better? Who cares how "impressive" a games physics are? Hardly any games use physics. How big a level is? I'd much rather have the developer polish and perfect the games level design then just making one mindlessly large area for me to walk around in. How many people can play online at once? How's that gonna matter if the games not fun? How "innovative" a game is, just because it does something new doesn't mean it's good, it could actually suck.
And the saddest thing is that the gaming sites are no better. The fact that any game with a gun in it, decent sport game, or anything appealing outscores games with depth like Red Orchestra and Guilty Gear is blatantly ridiculous.
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