This is a great decision, showing that Nintendo want to do what is best for the consumer. Behold (All pricing in New Zealand Dollars):
Console vendor and model, description of part, cheapest price per gig you can get, and the capacity such a drive would have at the lowest price/gig (reference).
Nintendo Wii U, Any external USB Hard Disk, $0.08/GB, 2000GB (reference)
Windows/Mac PC, for n00bs any external USB hard disk, same as the Wii U - $0.08/GB, 2000GB (reference)
Windows/Mac PC, for people who can open them up and put a SATA 3.5 inch in there, $0.07/GB, 2000GB (reference)
Sony Playstation 3, internal laptop hard disk, $0.14/GB, 750GB (reference) Also a comment about the PS3, you can use external drives, not not to install or save to.
Microsoft Xbox 360, requires a proprietary hard disc, $0.41/GB, 320GB (reference)
In conclusion:
- Obviously the technically inclined herms outright win as the internal SATA drive is the most cost effective option.
- A respectable second place to both Nintendo's Wii U and the n00b Herms (or the herms who transport their media place to place without first grabbing a screwdriver).
- Sorry Microsoft, but you did this to yourself, you are right out of touch on price here, losing by a massive margin.
- Sony, well what can I say, they are almost twice the price/GB of Nintendo/Herms here, but they should feel good to 'dominate' the other HD twin.
Nevertheless, the news story I linked at the beginning suggests that Nintendo have planned from the ground up for people to use USB external hard discs for their downloaded retail games from the eShop etc. It just so happens that I have at least one USB hard disk at home just waiting to be utilised, and I have several spare 3.5 inch hard disks I could purchase a 3.5inch external USB enclosure for - I am sorted.
Even if a Wii U adopter needed additional storage and they didn't have anything lying around like yours truly, isn't it great that consumers will be able to accessorise their Wii U with additional storage capacity without paying a superfluous price premium?
And another question, as 8GB of flash memory must cost a massive buyer like Nintendo next to nothing (eg the console's bill of materials doesn't waste money on storage) could we assume that the console will represent exceptional value?
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