Ok, first of all, I really am sorry. It was in no way my intention of makinganother Wii thread when I just so recently made another,
However, I camme across this really cool article, which I think everybody (especially haters) should take it upon themselves to read.
The article explains Nintendo's strategy, and after reading it, you will understand that Nintendo clearly are geniuses.
Check it out, it's called:
Wii Will Rock You
Tell me what you guys think after you check it out! Be sure to read all of it!
"Ultimately, by the end of this generation, when Nintendo is through with converting the casual crowd, the Wii will have a 60 million strong hardcore user base. Obviously, this will attract more third party developers. Motion controls will have become standard by then, what with the releases of Natal and Sony Wand drawing nearer, which implies that games will be developed keeping motion sensing in mind.
But Sony and Microsoft arrived a bit too late- Motion Gaming will never be their area of profit, and the goodwill that Nintendo's motion gaming will have with so many casual-turned-hardcore gamers will never be the same with Natal or Wand.
So, games will be developed mainly on the Wii, ported over to the 360 and the PS3 with upgraded graphics and worsened control schemes. What will not help matters for the PS3 and the 360 is the high development costs, and companies developing games for these systems risk bankruptcy. On the Wii, though, thedevelopment costs for creating games is very cheap, and the results almost always pay off- these days, it's as if any game (or otherwise) on the Wii can sell over ten million copies.
Already, it has begun. Monster Hunter 3 was supposed to be a PS3 exclusive, but the development cost Capcom so much that they almost faced bankruptcy. Now, Monster Hunter 3 has gone over to the Wii, and rather spectacularly. Dragon Quest X will also be releasing exclusively on the Wii. No More Heroes Paradise, a port of the first NMH game originally released as a Wii exclusive, will be coming over to the HD consoles, but its USP, the controls, will be lost., and thus, the overall experience will never be as good.
So, two or three years down the line, when all the third party support will have gone over to the Wii, and all the casual gamers would have turned into hardcore gamers, all the 'cool' and 'masterful' games will be releasing on the Wii. Obviously, the Wii would have sold almost as much as it has now, which means, it would have crossed a hundred million. Other gamers, who would be sticking to their PS3's and Xbox 360's will realize that their HD consoles are getting no good games except for a few first party titles here and there and Wii ports. To play the cool and hardcore games, they will abandon their HD consoles, and they'll buy the Wii.
What will augment their want to buy the Wii, apart from all the third party games, will be that Nintendo will be releasing their own games, and with franchises like Zelda, Metroid and Mario, they'll make the Wii's library the best ever. AND all the games being released will be 'hardcore.'
Games like New Super Mario Bros Wii and Mario Kart Wii have proven that gamers are actually moving towards the upper tiers. I'm not disregarding what the other two consoles have done, how great they are in their own ways and how much better they might become in the near future. It's just that the goodwill that the gamers who started gaming with the Wii, and know that anything on the Wii will not disappoint them, have will never be the same with PS3 or X360.
It'll be no big surprise if the next Zelda game breaks all sales records and becomes one of the highest selling games of all time, because it will attract both, the hardcore audiences and the so-called casual gamers.
I don't know if my analysis of Nintendo's strategy with the Wii is correct or if I'm a terribly mistaken fool. We'll have to wait to find that out. But if Nintendo is actually adopting this strategy, then instead of being met with unfair and fanboyistically blind hate, it should be looked at with reverence, as this is, truly, the most ingenious strategy ever, the biggest step in gaming. This is the BEST thing Nintendo has done, ever, to any console."
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