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I just sold my rc truck, so I have the money and have been wanting one for weeks now. I am tired of the 360 and wii, I beat re4 {lost of fun} Gears is all the 360 has atm. Yes I know there is more games But I didnt care for any of them. I have beat ninja gaiden but I freaking love this game on the xbox I beat it on hard mode and collected all scarbs for the hidden content, I think I could give it another go. Resitance looks fun to me also. The upcoming lineup looks good as well. I found one used with resintance and hdmi cables for 400 Who wouldnt buy it? 60 gigsupermanfarr
I'm going to be frank with don't need to buy a new console after you already have two of them. Find something better to do, please. I only own the Playstation 3, though, so let me give you some insight.
That's a great deal ($400), but it's not going to change your life. If the Wii and 360 don't entertain you, although the Playstation 3 will pick up with a tidal wave of great titles, it's fairly sparse at the moment, and there is no rush.
Seriously, though, if the Wii and 360 don't do it for you, quit gaming. Go ride a roller coaster or something.
[QUOTE="supermanfarr"]I just sold my rc truck, so I have the money and have been wanting one for weeks now. I am tired of the 360 and wii, I beat re4 {lost of fun} Gears is all the 360 has atm. Yes I know there is more games But I didnt care for any of them. I have beat ninja gaiden but I freaking love this game on the xbox I beat it on hard mode and collected all scarbs for the hidden content, I think I could give it another go. Resitance looks fun to me also. The upcoming lineup looks good as well. I found one used with resintance and hdmi cables for 400 Who wouldnt buy it? 60 gigRedfingers
I'm going to be frank with don't need to buy a new console after you already have two of them. Find something better to do, please. I only own the Playstation 3, though, so let me give you some insight.
That's a great deal ($400), but it's not going to change your life. If the Wii and 360 don't entertain you, although the Playstation 3 will pick up with a tidal wave of great titles, it's fairly sparse at the moment, and there is no rush.
Seriously, though, if the Wii and 360 don't do it for you, quit gaming. Go ride a roller coaster or something.
then read up on that, see if you like it. If you do, get a PS3, if not, wait for another game to come out.
if you think Gears is all the 360 has than the ps3 isn't going to offer you anything.
Resistance is ok. Probably slightly better than your run of the mill pc shooter, but there's really nothing there they justifies buying a PS3.
Since you've already played NG, sigma is pretty much like rebuying an update. If you're a fanatic it's probably worth it (IE if you bought the regular and black on release).
Motorstorm is pretty fun online but tends not to really have enough depth to it. It's a nice once in awhile game, but not really great if you're looking for a game to play every day for the next 6 weeks.
VF5: if you like the series this pretty much goes along with what you like. Nothing special but not bad either.
As for multiplats the only one that's clearly better is oblivion and the GOTY edition is coming out soon so buying that would be a waste of cash since GOTY is the way to go.
If these 4 games can keep you satisfied then a ps3 might be a good buy but remember you're pretty much paying $150 per game right now (adding in the price of the console for each game you'd buy assuming you want all 5 games). Overtime the ps3 promises to get better titles, but I'll tell you buy a system on what it has not what it's getting.
Each console to me is worthy.
Even though I want all three, I'm holding off on buying a PS3 until there's more games that interest me. If you find that you really want to play some games that are out on the PS3, by all means, buy one. Tastes differ, after all.
Having all 3 console is good so you can have the best of both worlds....errr three worlds? nVm that if you have the money and can afford to buy a game every now and then heck go for it, Well right now seems the best time to buy one becuase if you never experienced resistance now you got a chance and that game alone should last you till lair and from there on its like a mass attack of vid games, But yea if you have the money and you see games you like for it go for it, I had mine since christmas and had no problem with it and mad fun....
Each console to me is worthy.
Even though I want all three, I'm holding off on buying a PS3 until there's more games that interest me. If you find that you really want to play some games that are out on the PS3, by all means, buy one. Tastes differ, after all.
Sounds like me.
Right now,I'd say no, although I wouldn't rule out that it might be a worthwhile purchase in the future. Sony seems to be getting their act together on this front. However, it's too early to tell and I think it would be wise to wait a year or so and see where the system is going then.
Honestly, I would say the same to anyone currently thinking about a Wii. It's too early in these two systems' cycles to see how they will be doing in the future.
I just sold my rc truck, so I have the money and have been wanting one for weeks now. I am tired of the 360 and wii, I beat re4 {lost of fun} Gears is all the 360 has atm. Yes I know there is more games But I didnt care for any of them. I have beat ninja gaiden but I freaking love this game on the xbox I beat it on hard mode and collected all scarbs for the hidden content, I think I could give it another go. Resitance looks fun to me also. The upcoming lineup looks good as well. I found one used with resintance and hdmi cables for 400 Who wouldnt buy it? 60 gigsupermanfarrI dont buy what you're selling. Lets get this straight... there's not enough for you to play on the 360 so you want a PS3, a console with far fewer compelling games and zero AAA exclusives. You've played Ninja Gaiden, NG:B and you want to get sigma, a remake of a last gen game, albeit a very good one, but a remake none the less. Finally you say Resistance looks good to you. I find this the most difficult to believe because most 360 owners wouldn't give Resistance a second look. Resistance is enough for the game starved PS3 owners but the game isn't even in the top five best shooters on the 360. Personally, I get a fakeboy vibe from you, your story just doesn't add up.
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