Ok so yesterday I took the plunge and got a wii. now I still believe that the wii is overpriced but hey I wasnt going to wait forever, with sales as they are now we wont see a price drop for a long time.
So now I am wondering exactly what I should get for my wii, being by no means informed about the wii lineup I need help. To sum up my gaming preferences I would say I love FPS like UT and Halo however appreciate the fun things like mario kart offers. Also just not to wacky like wario ware. I know that I will most likely have to wait to get any good games but I am a patient person.
Another problem I have is hardware, I am wondering exactly how many controllers would be best and whether I need numchucks for all of them. Also if anyone knows how to go on the internet using ethernet cables that would be very appreciated, (I have wireless however I find it slow and I really enjoy using the browser but videos are really slow. Also is usb keyboards compatible with the wii, I tried my wireless keyboard hooked to my 360 and it didnt want to work.
Basically any advice that you might have on the wii is greatly appreciated except if you just want to make fanboyish comments, I own a 360 and wii now and most likely wont get a PS3 because of price and unappealing games (In my opinion you are welcome to yours) and anything you people say arent going to change that so dont even try
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