Wii~~~Looked at unfairly by PS3 and XBOX360 owners!

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#1 RyhmA
Member since 2008 • 120 Posts

First of all, this crap about the Wii ~not counting~ in the system war doesn't make sense. People say it ~doesn't count~ because there are casual games like Sega Tennis. Oh wait, that game is on every other console isn't it? Sure, the Wii has some of it's own single platform casual games, but defining a system by these games is ridiculous.

Next, PS3 and XBOX360 owners talk trash about the Wii when they most likely don't own one. They catch wind of the kiddish parts of the system, but not the parts meant for other audiences.

When these owners describe the Wii they usually leave games like Zelda, and Brawl completely out of the topic.

The point is, these people shouldn't judge the system without owning the system. Many people make excuses like ~zomg ive played it at gamestop and it suxxored~. When you look at it, thats just a demo, and its probably wii sports. If you want to judge the wii by wii sports, fine, im going to judge the xbox 360 by the red ring of death. 'nuff said.

Finally, the whole graphics argument. It's obvious that the Wii doesn't have the capability to run on graphics similar to those of the PS3 and XBOX360. Apparently this makes it less of a system. Last I checked games were meant to have fun, not to look at for 5 minutes before you realize you're playing a load of crap. The Wii is entertaining, because it is based around motion control, which leaves many control scheme options avaliable.

To finish this rant off, I just ask some of you that judge before expieriencing Wii to try it out for mroe than 5 minutes. Who knows? maybe you'll like it.

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#2 yoshi_64
Member since 2003 • 25261 Posts

Anyone who makes a "fact" or statement about a system without owning doesn't have much say IMO.

Frankly I don't see the problem, it's SW and it's been this way since ... well as long as I've been posting here.

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#3 Teuf_
Member since 2004 • 30805 Posts

Next, PS3 and XBOX360 owners talk trash about the Wii when they most likely don't own one.


Why would somebody buy something they obviously don't like so much?
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Member since 2003 • 251 Posts

The Fanboys are just plain jelous its winning.

Fanboys: *Looks at manhood*

Ohes noe that Wii is bigger than mine 0.o

Mus..t...make fu....fun...to compensate

Wii: Hi!

Fanboys: sHaDDuP u TOY!

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#5 deactivated-5e0e425ee91d8
Member since 2007 • 22399 Posts
welcome to system wars, here nobody comes in peace.
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#6 Andrew_Xavier
Member since 2007 • 9625 Posts

The majority of people who out right slam a system, don't own it, haven't owned it, and have probably never even touched one.

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#7 Tylendal
Member since 2006 • 14681 Posts
It seems the latest trend is to pretend that the Wii doesn't have enough going for it to be an only console. Now, everyone says "The Wii is good, but it just isn't enough without a _________". And of course, that's silly, because you can just invert that.
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#8 stereointegrity
Member since 2007 • 12151 Posts
i own a wii and i still look at it like its second rate....
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#9 VScalar
Member since 2005 • 2607 Posts
Own a Wii, and while I do not regret purchasing it, I do wonder at the incredible sales. Success comnpletely unsupported by titles, IMHO.
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#10 beinss
Member since 2004 • 1838 Posts

Lol good point. The people who play the Wii for a couple minutes dont have a right to bash it. But here I am. Ive been a Nintendo Fan since the NES era. I owned a Wii since jan 07. But sold that junk because it was the biggest failure Ive ever played. I had LoZ:TP, SMG, & SSBB and guess what? LoZ:TP was ok, not as good as people say. SMG was probablly the best of the three but got way too repetitive and needed to be more like SM64 imo. and we come to SSBB. Now i am a huge fan of the Super Smash bros series, but I have to say, SSBB is the biggest piece of junk iv ever played. It was the reason i sold my Wii. If that game couldnt be decent i knew no other one would be as far as i would enjoy. I find it pathetic that while the system is touted with its great motion controller, all of its major titles hardly use the motion sensing. Shaking your hand to spin isnt that innovative.

And my biggest issue with the system is why in all of the world would possibly the "killer app" for the wii (SSBB) not even use the motion controls? It feels so weird having to use the analogue stick to move the cursor when your natural instinct would be to point and its even sadder that most people dont even use the Wii mote at all for SSBB but rather revert to their old GCN controllers. Now forgive me if im wrong but if the Wii didnt have its "innovative" controller wouldnt it just be a regular console with horrible hardware?

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#11 Jandrobag
Member since 2005 • 148 Posts
I own the Wii, and besides metroid,zelda and mario, everything else on it is dreadful, it seems like every wii game is a mini-game. The online is HORRIBLE!!! i dont care if its free, the PSN is free and its not vomit inducing like the wii online.
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#12 Ragashahs
Member since 2005 • 8785 Posts
we don't really talk about cause its not a next gen system and don't think i came up that nintendo said themselves that wii isn't next gen so right now PS3 and 360 are the only nex gen consoles and right now thats all i kinda care about
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#13 littlestreakier
Member since 2004 • 2950 Posts
I used to own a wii but actually ended up selling it. it was fun for a while but i just realized i like traditional gaming the best with a regular controller. plus the graphics has nothing on PS3 or 360 as everyone knows. I know graphics aren't everything. i've been thinking about getting a wii again though. my fiance's been asking me to get her one for a long time now. i wish she would've known she wanted one while i still had mine so i could've just gave her mine. ohhhh well, i'll be buying a wii sooner or later for her whenever they're available. so i'll still get to casually play it when i go over her house.
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#14 RyhmA
Member since 2008 • 120 Posts
I used to own a wii but actually ended up selling it. it was fun for a while but i just realized i like traditional gaming the best with a regular controller. plus the graphics has nothing on PS3 or 360 as everyone knows. I know graphics aren't everything. i've been thinking about getting a wii again though. my fiance's been asking me to get her one for a long time now. i wish she would've known she wanted one while i still had mine so i could've just gave her mine. ohhhh well, i'll be buying a wii sooner or later for her whenever they're available. so i'll still get to casually play it when i go over her house.littlestreakier
ok but i still think you're missing the point...considering the wii as a secondary system isn't what it should be thought of...k maybe you're not as in to their types of games but don't insult the system by calling it casual...that makes peopel assume every game is casual, but they arent
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#15 ILikeCatFoodMan
Member since 2008 • 505 Posts
Or maybe people dont like the wii?
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#16 Arkthemaniac
Member since 2007 • 1237 Posts
Let 'em talk. We can play Brawl and Galaxy and Zelda and they can play their games and we can bash them and they can bash us but in the end it doesn't matter because the Wii is fun to some, and that's what counts.
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#17 tekmojo
Member since 2006 • 1425 Posts
I grew out of my nintendo days a long time ago. I'm speaking of NES and SNES of course. Time for something that has it all.
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#18 Cyber-
Member since 2007 • 4026 Posts

It seems the latest trend is to pretend that the Wii doesn't have enough going for it to be an only console. Now, everyone says "The Wii is good, but it just isn't enough without a _________". And of course, that's silly, because you can just invert that.Tylendal

the same could be said about owning a PS3 or 360. Unfortunately were not in the N64 or PS1 era where you could get a pretty complete experience from one of those systems

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#19 Marth6781
Member since 2007 • 2564 Posts

I own the Wii, and besides metroid,zelda and mario, everything else on it is dreadful, it seems like every wii game is a mini-game. The online is HORRIBLE!!! i dont care if its free, the PSN is free and its not vomit inducing like the wii online.Jandrobag

O rly? Cause those 3 games trump everything on the ps3.

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#20 TMontana1004
Member since 2007 • 4537 Posts

I agree. I actually just got off an arguement about that. It is still a console, therefore, it counts.

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#21 TMontana1004
Member since 2007 • 4537 Posts

I own the Wii, and besides metroid,zelda and mario, everything else on it is dreadful, it seems like every wii game is a mini-game. The online is HORRIBLE!!! i dont care if its free, the PSN is free and its not vomit inducing like the wii online.Jandrobag

Not vomit-inducing, just practically non-existent.

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#22 DXGreat1_HGL
Member since 2003 • 7543 Posts

I grew out of my nintendo days a long time ago. I'm speaking of NES and SNES of course. Time for something that has it all.tekmojo

You mean you bought a 360?

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#23 Lazy_Boy88
Member since 2003 • 7418 Posts

I own one and I judge it as overpriced and overrated garbage.

It has a few good unique game but the pricing is just unacceptable for what amounts to a Gamecube with a new controller.

The only real competition is PS3 vs 360 since the Wii is so different anyways.

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#24 RyhmA
Member since 2008 • 120 Posts

I own one and I judge it as overpriced and overrated garbage.

It has a few good unique game but the pricing is just unacceptable for what amounts to a Gamecube with a new controller.

The only real competition is PS3 vs 360 since the Wii is so different anyways.


How smart do you consider yourself? Lets look at facts. The Wii, PS3 and XBOX360 were all born out of teh same gen.. Therfore, they are all in the same race. Exclusing the obvious winner from a competition merely shows that you you are void of a legit argument. Give me facts to say why it;'s not involved? the Wii IS different, OF COURSE IT IS, the ps3 and the 360 havemostly the same games, so nintendo decided to branch off. And it appears to be workign because their first party games dominate the market. also the fact that you called it a gamecube with a new controller shows your ignorance. I dont't care if you owned one, even the biggest fanboy should be able to realsie its not a gamecube with a new controller. Did the gamecube have a start up menu? no. Did the gamecube have channels? no. Did the gamecube have miis? no. Did the gamecube have motion? no.

Word on the street is you just got pwned.

For the win.

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#25 Natalie445
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I own all three next gen systems. I think they're all good and I don't bash on any of them. I also think that someone should buy a console before giving out stupid opinions with no credibility.Before I go saying that anythng is better than something else I make sure that I know what the hell it is I'm talking about. Now, in all honesty... right now I play the Ps3 more because of COD4's awesome online. Second is the Wii because I play SSBB with my friends online all the time. I hardly play the XBox 360 and I do own all of the best games..Halo 3, Bioshock, GOW, and even a second copy of COD4. I just ain't as interested in those after I beat them as I am in COD4(Ps3) and SSBB. Still I am not disappointed that i bought a 360 and don't play it as much. I know that it doesn't suck, and the games on it are freakin awesome. The reason I like the Ps3 more is because the online is much better than the Wii's. I know it's kind of weird that I pick the other console's online over the Xbox, but it's free, so I know I'll be keeping it. I spend more time on it. Everybody has their own interests and should quit being fanboys because they're missing out on a lot for refusing to buy other systems. They are all good systems if you buy the right games. If you don't like the Wii because of the minigames... quit buying the damn minigames!!

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#26 Dion4ever
Member since 2008 • 680 Posts

I agree. Lots of people hate the Wii because their console is losing the console wars. I find it ridiculous honestly, yeah this may be System Wars but does it really have to go to the extend where we get jealous of other consoles? I wish the casual gamers knew about Gamespot, then the Wii would have more support than the Xbox 360 and PS3 combined!

It's also very suprising to see that the Hardcore gamers are the fanboys where else the casual gamers are not. It's a shame this is happening to gaming, how the gamers that have played for a longer time than the casual actually complain about the other consoles. This is why I am going to start complaining, feel free to do the same, it's System Wars!

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#27 nintendo-4life
Member since 2004 • 18281 Posts
yeah, but on the other hand sheep have been doing that exact same thing to cows so i don't see a problem here.
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#28 ljlrj
Member since 2007 • 14800 Posts
my Wii Been First Rate Since March 25Last Year Havent played Ps3 In A Long while
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#29 Cyber-
Member since 2007 • 4026 Posts

yeah, but on the other hand sheep have been doing that exact same thing to cows so i don't see a problem here.nintendo-4life

the way I see it is alot of people dis the wii for graphics and claim they are on the forefront of visuals and such. Its crazy because its not true. These fanboys should open their eyes and see that if they are going to drool over graphics as badly as they do now then they should get a PC and stop living in a dememnted world of hypocrasy.

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#30 nintendo-4life
Member since 2004 • 18281 Posts

[QUOTE="nintendo-4life"]yeah, but on the other hand sheep have been doing that exact same thing to cows so i don't see a problem here.Cyber-

the way I see it is alot of people dis the wii for graphics and claim they are on the forefront of visuals and such. Its crazy because its not true. These fanboys should open their eyes and see that if they are going to drool over graphics as badly as they do now then they should get a PC and stop living in a dememnted world of hypocrasy.

oh yes i agree with you completely, but sometimes people just don't want to see, and sheep do it too!

for instance, the PSP is a really good system, but people still insist it was a failure? why is that? same thing is happening all over SW, but soon they will give in and finally realize the truth about every system.

for now though, i just choose to argue with people actually open for argument, not bimbos who close their ears, scream their opinion and never accept any kind of critisizm. So it's been a long time since i've had my blood boiled on such stuff here on SW :P

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#31 jhcho2
Member since 2004 • 5103 Posts
Finally, the whole graphics argument. It's obvious that the Wii doesn't have the capability to run on graphics similar to those of the PS3 and XBOX360. Apparently this makes it less of a system. Last I checked games were meant to have fun, not to look at for 5 minutes before you realize you're playing a load of crap. The Wii is entertaining, because it is based around motion control, which leaves many control scheme options avaliable.

To finish this rant off, I just ask some of you that judge before expieriencing Wii to try it out for mroe than 5 minutes. Who knows? maybe you'll like it. RyhmA

That's is exactly what is wrong with your argument. As much as Wii owners would like to deny it, graphics DO define a system. What do you think has been defining the previous generation of systems if not hardware...in which hardware=graphics?

PS1, Sega Saturn

PS2, Gamecube, Xbox

PS3, Xbox360

See the list above? That is an example of 3 DIFFERENY generations of systems. What do they have in common? They all had great games. What do they not have in common? Hardware. Period. Hence, hardware defines the generation of a system. The Wii' hardware is much much inferior to PS3 and Xbox 360. Hence, by that logic, the Wii is practically a previous generation trying to compete in the current generation war. And sales have nothing to do with it. People like fun consoles....that i agree. But the notion of saying that the Wii is NOT in league with the Ps3 and 360 is a sound statement IMO. It's not in this generation, but fortunately casual gamers don't care, hence the booming sales.

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#32 Vaizard34
Member since 2007 • 144 Posts

First of all, this crap about the Wii ~not counting~ in the system war doesn't make sense. People say it ~doesn't count~ because there are casual games like Sega Tennis. Oh wait, that game is on every other console isn't it? Sure, the Wii has some of it's own single platform casual games, but defining a system by these games is ridiculous.

Next, PS3 and XBOX360 owners talk trash about the Wii when they most likely don't own one. They catch wind of the kiddish parts of the system, but not the parts meant for other audiences.

When these owners describe the Wii they usually leave games like Zelda, and Brawl completely out of the topic.

The point is, these people shouldn't judge the system without owning the system. Many people make excuses like ~zomg ive played it at gamestop and it suxxored~. When you look at it, thats just a demo, and its probably wii sports. If you want to judge the wii by wii sports, fine, im going to judge the xbox 360 by the red ring of death. 'nuff said.

Finally, the whole graphics argument. It's obvious that the Wii doesn't have the capability to run on graphics similar to those of the PS3 and XBOX360. Apparently this makes it less of a system. Last I checked games were meant to have fun, not to look at for 5 minutes before you realize you're playing a load of crap. The Wii is entertaining, because it is based around motion control, which leaves many control scheme options avaliable.

To finish this rant off, I just ask some of you that judge before expieriencing Wii to try it out for mroe than 5 minutes. Who knows? maybe you'll like it.


When the Wii has next gen multimedia functions and produces graphics on par with Gears or Uncharted try making this thread again. Until then the Wii is only a second rate piece of crap console that probably wouldn't sell if it weren't for its low price and gimmicky controller. The fact that the Wii can't compete graphically with the PS3 or 360 proves that it's not next gen. The Wii is merely a gamecube with an exta little gimmick attached.

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#33 MrKittle
Member since 2006 • 367 Posts

I have a 360, Wii, and next month, a PS3. I really don't like the Wii that much. After the launch of the system, I didn't play it again until SMG came out. After I beat that I didn't play it until recently with SSBB. CoD4, Bioshock, Halo 3, and The Orange Box all gave me more fun than Wii Sports, SMG, SSBB, LoZ, RE:UC, MP3, and Wario Ware. So obviously I like FPS the most but the Wii doesn't offer one good FPS....unless you count MP3...which I don't.

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#34 girlpowerz
Member since 2008 • 492 Posts
I like the Wii and I would purchase it if I had some spare cash. But now, it's the PS3 for me. But you're right-it's annoying to see people put down the Wii when it's been selling more than the two consoles duking it out.
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#35 bobbetybob
Member since 2005 • 19370 Posts
Yeah I totally agree, and when people say things like oh I played Wii at a friends house for 10 minutes and it sucked, What the hell? Why did it suck because in those 10 minutes noone in game got dismembered in HD? I have a right to say what I want to say about 360 I've played on them for over 40 hours at different friends houses, they are good and all but I still prefer my Wii. I can't really comment on PS3 except that I played Uncharted for an hour or so and it was pretty fun.
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#36 Bread_or_Decide
Member since 2007 • 29761 Posts

It seems the latest trend is to pretend that the Wii doesn't have enough going for it to be an only console. Now, everyone says "The Wii is good, but it just isn't enough without a _________". And of course, that's silly, because you can just invert that.Tylendal

In all my years of gaming this is definetly one of the first gens where owning one console is truly a fail. That includes owning any of three by themselves.

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#37 Tylendal
Member since 2006 • 14681 Posts

[QUOTE="Tylendal"]It seems the latest trend is to pretend that the Wii doesn't have enough going for it to be an only console. Now, everyone says "The Wii is good, but it just isn't enough without a _________". And of course, that's silly, because you can just invert that.Bread_or_Decide

In all my years of gaming this is definetly one of the first gens where owning one console is truly a fail. That includes owning any of three by themselves.

I agree. I just don't like how people seem to pretend that owning only one of the others is perfectly fine, but if you just have a Wii, then there's nothing you can do. Personally, I find more interesting games on the Wii than on the other two systems combined. That doesn't mean that I'm not getting a 360 soon, because there are some Multi-plats and 360 exclusives I definately want to pick up. I'll probably even get a PS3 down the line for LBP. I'm just pointing out that it is true that it's rather sad to own just one console, and any one console, not just the Wii, and be content with that. I only own one, but I plan for that to be very different by the end of the gen.

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because im mad at nin because there last gen systems were on par with the other systems. now they just added a new controler and a few media funtions.

do you really think the ps 3 and 360 are just graphics then you don't now gaming.

i mean not better graphics. better lighting, less jaggy, better physics, better AI, better animations, better cgi, ect.

when a new error comes of machines we don't want a new controler. we want all off above. it not that i don't like nin first party except making metriod a fps (that was the saddeast day in nin history for me) imagen smg with rachet and clanks, lighting, animations, crisp color ect. in 1080p or even 720p. or zelda game with ps 3 or 360 graphics or metriod with cod 4 on-line play.

it is not that i don't like nin it is just they gimped out on the hardware this gen.

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#39 nintendo-4life
Member since 2004 • 18281 Posts

[QUOTE="Tylendal"]It seems the latest trend is to pretend that the Wii doesn't have enough going for it to be an only console. Now, everyone says "The Wii is good, but it just isn't enough without a _________". And of course, that's silly, because you can just invert that.Bread_or_Decide

In all my years of gaming this is definetly one of the first gens where owning one console is truly a fail. That includes owning any of three by themselves.

you and me are starting to agree on a lot of stuff.... what changed in you? :| :P

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#40 Cyber-
Member since 2007 • 4026 Posts

because im mad at nin because there last gen systems were on par with the other systems. now they just added a new controler and a few media funtions.

do you really think the ps 3 and 360 are just graphics then you don't now gaming.

i mean not better graphics. better lighting, less jaggy, better physics, better AI, better animations, better cgi, ect.

when a new error comes of machines we don't want a new controler. we want all off above. it not that i don't like nin first party except making metriod a fps (that was the saddeast day in nin history for me) imagen smg with rachet and clanks, lighting, animations, crisp color ect. in 1080p or even 720p. or zelda game with ps 3 or 360 graphics or metriod with cod 4 on-line play.

it is not that i don't like nin it is just they gimped out on the hardware this gen.


you claim MP3 was a FPS (its totally not) and then want CoD4 multiplayer for it.

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#41 ILikeCatFoodMan
Member since 2008 • 505 Posts

I agree. Lots of people hate the Wii because their console is losing the console wars. I find it ridiculous honestly, yeah this may be System Wars but does it really have to go to the extend where we get jealous of other consoles? I wish the casual gamers knew about Gamespot, then the Wii would have more support than the Xbox 360 and PS3 combined!

It's also very suprising to see that the Hardcore gamers are the fanboys where else the casual gamers are not. It's a shame this is happening to gaming, how the gamers that have played for a longer time than the casual actually complain about the other consoles. This is why I am going to start complaining, feel free to do the same, it's System Wars!

Or maybe people dont like the wii?
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Member since 2005 • 6870 Posts

because im mad at nin because there last gen systems were on par with the other systems. now they just added a new controler and a few media funtions.

do you really think the ps 3 and 360 are just graphics then you don't now gaming.

i mean not better graphics. better lighting, less jaggy, better physics, better AI, better animations, better cgi, ect.

when a new error comes of machines we don't want a new controler. we want all off above. it not that i don't like nin first party except making metriod a fps (that was the saddeast day in nin history for me) imagen smg with rachet and clanks, lighting, animations, crisp color ect. in 1080p or even 720p. or zelda game with ps 3 or 360 graphics or metriod with cod 4 on-line play.

it is not that i don't like nin it is just they gimped out on the hardware this gen.


you claim MP3 was a FPS (its totally not) and then want CoD4 multiplayer for it.

what do you mean when running your in fps mode. then you turn to a ball then your not. the action is in fps which = fps to me. i like the jumping old platform style alot more. what i mean by cod 4 i also mean any fps or on-line game. were your battling on-line in the metriod world. i also don't play on-line or like fps i was talking about for the rest of us that do like on-line fps ect.
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#43 Darthmatt
Member since 2002 • 8970 Posts
Wii has great first party titles, and some good 3rd party titles, but not enough. My biggest gripe about the wii is an overall lack of features, and shotty online. I had a wii only for the first year, and since I got my PS3 the wii is more and more just my six-axis charge station. Currently SSBB is sitting unplayed for over a week.
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#44 ogvampire
Member since 2008 • 9210 Posts

I have a 360, Wii, and next month, a PS3. I really don't like the Wii that much. After the launch of the system, I didn't play it again until SMG came out. After I beat that I didn't play it until recently with SSBB. CoD4, Bioshock, Halo 3, and The Orange Box all gave me more fun than Wii Sports, SMG, SSBB, LoZ, RE:UC, MP3, and Wario Ware. So obviously I like FPS the most but the Wii doesn't offer one good FPS....unless you count MP3...which I don't.


yup. the Wii is not for you. judging by the games you like (all FPS apparently) you are better off with 360/ps3

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#45 darthogre
Member since 2006 • 5082 Posts

I own a Wii and I think it's crap as a gamer's console.

It's a great party/family game console.....meaning if you have friends over and want to play boxing or you have a family night and want to play cooking mama.....hey it's great fun. I'm taking traditional games are lacking and the quarky controls dont' complement them anyways. Right now the Wii is enjoying hardware sales success based off a couple of 1st party titles and non-gamers deciding to play these games.

Sports, party games, Mario/Zelda titles......the Wii is probably the most fun. Everything else is found on PS3 or X360. No matter how you spin the Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash sales.....those are the only titles of any consequence you are probably going to see until the end of the year. Even the multipats are being downgraded on the Wii (look at Force Unleashed, not just graphics will be different).

So please spare me the "Wii is getting a bad rap".......it's getting exactly what the GameCube got, no real 3rd Party support with their big titles and all mario/Zelda/Metriod games make the software list. The fact people think WiiFit is something to be proud of on this site makes me laugh.....you are going to have Sheep on this site when that "game" releases saying they just owned everyone when it sales a million it's first month. Unfortunately everytime they mention WiiFit as a game they are owning themselves.

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#46 MacaroniMoses
Member since 2003 • 682 Posts
I owned all consoles last gen and really liked the Gamecube. I own all consoles this gen and have played the games of significance on each and I think the Wii pretty much sux. No excuse for the lackluster hardware. My standard def tv died and I upgraded to HD and Wii is crap in HD.
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#47 Cyber-
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because im mad at nin because there last gen systems were on par with the other systems. now they just added a new controler and a few media funtions.

do you really think the ps 3 and 360 are just graphics then you don't now gaming.

i mean not better graphics. better lighting, less jaggy, better physics, better AI, better animations, better cgi, ect.

when a new error comes of machines we don't want a new controler. we want all off above. it not that i don't like nin first party except making metriod a fps (that was the saddeast day in nin history for me) imagen smg with rachet and clanks, lighting, animations, crisp color ect. in 1080p or even 720p. or zelda game with ps 3 or 360 graphics or metriod with cod 4 on-line play.

it is not that i don't like nin it is just they gimped out on the hardware this gen.


you claim MP3 was a FPS (its totally not) and then want CoD4 multiplayer for it.

what do you mean when running your in fps mode. then you turn to a ball then your not. the action is in fps which = fps to me. i like the jumping old platform style alot more. what i mean by cod 4 i also mean any fps or on-line game. were your battling on-line in the metriod world. i also don't play on-line or like fps i was talking about for the rest of us that do like on-line fps ect.

Its only a FPS in the most literal sense of the word, but its not a FPS by the genre standards. Its a puzzle solving action game with shooting elements. It does not need a multplayer because its single player is so big and robust it would probabaly ruin the experiience if they had to divert resources otherwise. Its not a FPS its an adventure game. MPH is really a fPS and it had a good online mode.

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#48 haziqonfire
Member since 2005 • 36392 Posts
Its system wars, i've become used to PS3/360 fanboys being jealous of Wii's sucess -- what i mean is, its being seen everywhere and its pretty popular, im sure if the console of their choice was as popular as the Wii, Wii fans would be mighty jealous too.
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#49 Cyber-
Member since 2007 • 4026 Posts

Its system wars, i've become used to PS3/360 fanboys being jealous of Wii's sucess -- what i mean is, its being seen everywhere and its pretty popular, im sure if the console of their choice was as popular as the Wii, Wii fans would be mighty jealous too.Haziqonfire

its like all the hate the PS2 got from both nintendo and ms fanboys

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#50 LordQuorthon
Member since 2008 • 5803 Posts

Real men spend all day fragging each other online in high definition. Any other form of video game threatens their manhood and must be execrated from teh cloud of überpwnage and l33tness they live in.

Remember Francis, from Super Paper Mario? Well, System Wars is full of "Francises".