First of all, this crap about the Wii ~not counting~ in the system war doesn't make sense. People say it ~doesn't count~ because there are casual games like Sega Tennis. Oh wait, that game is on every other console isn't it? Sure, the Wii has some of it's own single platform casual games, but defining a system by these games is ridiculous.
Next, PS3 and XBOX360 owners talk trash about the Wii when they most likely don't own one. They catch wind of the kiddish parts of the system, but not the parts meant for other audiences.
When these owners describe the Wii they usually leave games like Zelda, and Brawl completely out of the topic.
The point is, these people shouldn't judge the system without owning the system. Many people make excuses like ~zomg ive played it at gamestop and it suxxored~. When you look at it, thats just a demo, and its probably wii sports. If you want to judge the wii by wii sports, fine, im going to judge the xbox 360 by the red ring of death. 'nuff said.
Finally, the whole graphics argument. It's obvious that the Wii doesn't have the capability to run on graphics similar to those of the PS3 and XBOX360. Apparently this makes it less of a system. Last I checked games were meant to have fun, not to look at for 5 minutes before you realize you're playing a load of crap. The Wii is entertaining, because it is based around motion control, which leaves many control scheme options avaliable.
To finish this rant off, I just ask some of you that judge before expieriencing Wii to try it out for mroe than 5 minutes. Who knows? maybe you'll like it.
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