And I'm a hermit...
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And I'm a hermit... game is gonna turn it around.
in fact, since wii is a kids system, this game will bomb in sales, HARD. game is gonna turn it around.
in fact, since wii is a kids system, this game will bomb in sales, HARD.
Yea it wont sell that much. Which is freking sad when game like carnival and wii play sold thorugh the roof. Just proves that many wii buyers are not into the mature games. The only mature iv seen that sold alot was RE4 and thats just because the name brand.
Kids? I thought Wii was for old people.
Seriously, who the hell really cares about "image" except fanboys and people with self-esteem issues. I don't care weather my games have an E or an M plastered on them.
If games like RE4 and Eternal Darkness couldn't change the gamecube's "image", and games like No More Heroes and RE: UT haven't changed the Wii's "image", Well...
The problem isn't the games that are available. Rather it's that those that spout on about Nintendo being "Kiddy" usually don't actually bother to see what games are available. They're generally just repeating what they have heard people say; following the crowd.
Too bad the fact that a great deal of cute and fuzzy games beat many ultra violent games still todat.Tho Mad Worlds look awesome, I dont think its matter to fanboys, because at the end of the day the Wii/Nintendo/etc. will always be a Kiddy. Rather it been Eternal Darkness and Resident Evil 4 last gen or No More Heroes and this soon to be Mad World this game, fanboys and haters never look into their opposing library and refer to the actual truth.
IT'S BEEN ****ING POSTED 109209289340893240983248293403478539459083475938439 TIMES ALREADY!!!High_Spy
Then one more time won't hurt anything, will it?
If games like RE4 and Eternal Darkness couldn't change the gamecube's "image", and games like No More Heroes and RE: UT haven't changed the Wii's "image", Well...
The problem isn't the games that are available. Rather it's that those that spout on about Nintendo being "Kiddy" usually don't actually bother to see what games are available. They're generally just repeating what they have heard people say; following the crowd.
Ninty markets their console as a family console. They really do. That is not a bad thing. But they themselves have more to do with the "kiddy" image then anyone, or anything, else.
I hate how everyone falls back on "only immature followers of the crowd, people afraid to admit they like cute stuff, think ninty is kiddy". It is such a crutch. Used to set aside the Nintendo mascots, wtich are all very kiddy in image, and all games that I WOULD LET AND WANT my child to play. I enjoy playing SMG with my nephew. I would however not let him play Bioshock, his mother would kill me and I would feel like a moron.
But Nintendo markets themselves as a family console. Family's exist to raise children. When we all think family we think child and parent. That's why they use friend codes, so parents feel ok with the Nintendo in the living room online while they are not watching. An adult can enjoy SMG just as much, if not more ( a greater appreciation for everything in life, including games) , and thats what Ninty wants. A game the family can enjoy, together. Thats a good thing. And an edge in going for a different market then Sony or MS.
Sony and MS are currently cannibalizing each other going for the twenty something market. Often more immature then children, but worse, because they have the freedom of an adult. We are talking the spike TV crowd.
But I do like violent games, because they are exciting. I like dramatic war scenes. I like to be scared as hell.
Nintendo is a little kiddy. But the gamers in these threads who are insecure about it, are the ones attacking others for viewing Ninty as in at least some sense, "kiddy". They are, its obvious. Much more then the other two, by a long shot. But there are still adult games on the system on occasion, and the good Nintendo games are made with kids in mind, but are also games made with long time Nintendo ( and adult) gamers in mind.
IT'S BEEN ****ING POSTED 109209289340893240983248293403478539459083475938439 TIMES ALREADY!!!High_SpyITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!
This response is so annoying.
but accurateNot to everyone, I still don't know what everyone is talking about...
so i guess that "Buzz it" game or whatever it's called for the 360 completely throws out it's hard core image...
or what about all those barbie and hello kitty island adventures for the pc?
One game doesn't change the image of a console, if it did, No More Heroes would have already done it.II-FBIsniper-II
Doesn't the Wii have the only games this generation so far that had to be censored or else they would have gotten an AO rating? That makes the PS3 and the 360 look kiddy with their childish M ratings.
This won't change the image at all really , it will take a heck of a lot more than the occassion M-rated game. Nintendo would have to be the facilitator and there would need to be a ton of good rated M games from third parties for multiple years in succession before the image even changes a little.
[QUOTE="II-FBIsniper-II"]One game doesn't change the image of a console, if it did, No More Heroes would have already done it.Hexagon_777
Doesn't the Wii have the only games this generation so far that had to be censored or else they would have gotten an AO rating? That makes the PS3 and the 360 look kiddy with their childish M ratings.
What games were censored just for the Wii?
So if I posted a new game coming out meant for kids would it be fair to say the "for kids" image came back in the window?
It depends, if the window was really high then I doubt the image would be able to get back up.
[QUOTE="Hexagon_777"][QUOTE="II-FBIsniper-II"]One game doesn't change the image of a console, if it did, No More Heroes would have already done it.flazzle
Doesn't the Wii have the only games this generation so far that had to be censored or else they would have gotten an AO rating? That makes the PS3 and the 360 look kiddy with their childish M ratings.
What games were censored just for the Wii?
I know of Manhunt 2 and No More Heroes.
One game doesn't change the image of a console, if it did, No More Heroes would have already done it.II-FBIsniper-IIBUt Manhunt 2 wouldn't have...would it..
One game doesn't change the image of a console, if it did, No More Heroes would have already done it.II-FBIsniper-II
good point!
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