Crysis 1 is the graphics king so it just makes sense to think Crysis 2 will be the next graphics king. But I was wondering if it is the graphics king, will this title be exclusive to the PC only?
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Crysis 1 is the graphics king so it just makes sense to think Crysis 2 will be the next graphics king. But I was wondering if it is the graphics king, will this title be exclusive to the PC only?
Of course.
PC graphics>>>>>>>>>>>>Console graphics
it's not gunna b consul graffix king cuz i liek teknikalities.
Crysis 2 is supposed to be multi-plat now.
it's either going to be:
PC is optimized, with a lower-grade port to console.
OR PC/console are the same quality and it's worse than Cry1.
I think it'll be optimized on PC tbh.
If you've seen the latest screenshots in PC gamer, PC version looks better than the original's not gunna b consul graffix king cuz i liek teknikalities.
Crysis 2 is supposed to be multi-plat now.
it's either going to be:
PC is optimized, with a lower-grade port to console.
OR PC/console are the same quality and it's worse than Cry1.
I think it'll be optimized on PC tbh.
the ps3 version will b the graphics king. it has the cell and blu ray
So why is Crysis, a two year old game, still head and shoulders above ANY ps3 game today?
the ps3 version will b the graphics king. it has the cell and blu ray
this must be for the lulz.
i'm assuming that yes, it will be the next graphics king and it will be the pc version which is obviously superior. im just hoping they coded crysis 2 better than 1 b/c i still have issue running crysis 1 on high and i've heard that warhead runs alot better than crysis 1.
[QUOTE="HavocV3"]If you've seen the latest screenshots in PC gamer, PC version looks better than the original's not gunna b consul graffix king cuz i liek teknikalities.
Crysis 2 is supposed to be multi-plat now.
it's either going to be:
PC is optimized, with a lower-grade port to console.
OR PC/console are the same quality and it's worse than Cry1.
I think it'll be optimized on PC tbh.
good, then it is getting optimized.
Although, what is there left to do:shock: The first looked so realistic as is, and the bar can only go so high?
Yes of course PC version would be better in terms of graphics as Crytek stated that they'd push the PC to its limits. And of course there is the matter of 2006 hardware VS 2010 hardware.
Yeh, since the PC version will look far better than the console version. Crysis 2 PC will be graphics king.AAllxxjjnn
you dont really know anything about the game. They could put small levels like in uncharted, so consoles can handle it.
[QUOTE="AAllxxjjnn"]Yeh, since the PC version will look far better than the console version. Crysis 2 PC will be graphics king.SLIisaownsystem
you dont really know anything about the game. They could put small levels like in uncharted, so consoles can handle it.
Their goal is to deliver Crysis type sandbox to the concrete jungle...sooo how the hell would they provide Crysis sandbox in small Gears/Uncharted like levels?It's going to be graphics king across the board, but obviously best played on an amazing PC. Look at the cryengine 3 demo, it's got some city footage type things going on in there.
On consoles, NO. On PC, i cant see them being that much better than Crysis 1.djsifer01
On consoles, YES. Why would you think any different? Crysis is going to optimize the heck out of the engine for consoles.
See for yourself.. that's the engine running on console hardware. It will graphics king on every system.
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