re [QUOTE="greg_splicer"][QUOTE="Ezgam3r"][QUOTE="greg_splicer"][QUOTE="NextGenNow"][QUOTE="greg_splicer"]
Oblivion looks good on PS3, yes it does have better AF and draw distance, but it does not even come close to the texture resolution, AA, HDR, colors and framerates on 360 (when not loading)
Proof of the FAR superior 360 power is Shivering Isles, that after that one year is now looking 2x better than PS3 or 360 version on 360, when PS3 only managed to look equal and worst in some cases like in texture resolution
Also check the below link, comparing 360-PS3 games in HD, PS3 always uses low res textures like in Oblivion
So, who the hell would like a subpar FF13 on PS3, when it would look 2x crisper on 360 ???
And it is not just the multiplatforms, latest Lair and Heavely Sword pics show as bad and low res textures too
PS3 is a disaster for any game made for it, hope FF13 comes to 360 fast, so it can have really next gen graphics, not a blurry hell
Coming from somebody who owns both the 360 and PS3 versions of are wrong. Your remark about Textures and AA made me lol. Shivering Isles looks twice as good as the PS3 Oblivion is just a friggin lie. The 360 version is a great game...who cares how old it is? But dont lie about the PS3 version! Especially when its a better version!I judge by gametrailers video, the textures of rocks/trees seemed worst, of course since you have both version, provide us with pics comparing them, and i will accept it looks as good or better WHEN I SEE IT
As for SI, yes those rock textures look FAR FAR better than anything i have seen in Oblivion so far in general, it is obvious you either do not have Oblivion for 360 at all or at least you DEFINATLY do not have Shivering Isles
There's a difference between watching a video from gametrailers and actually having the game for yourself.I'll trust the opinion of someone who has and plays both the PS3 and 360 versions then someone who saw somevids on the internet.
And i HAVE Shivering Isles and Oblivion on 360, you have no idea ho much better textures look on SI, and 360 textures overall look better than on PS3 (at least close up, since PS3 has better AF), so the 2x better textures on SI on 360 than PS3 ones is not an exaggeration
Your making a huge mistake here. Your saying that the overall textures in one game are worse than a downloadable game....I'm saying you are wrong. Shivering Isles looks AMAZING! But that doesnt change the fact that it doesnt have the edge on a game far larger with far more to it. SI is a great game that merits purchase IMO. But dont say "well these rocks look better so this game is waaay better! Even than the PS3 Oblivion!" Cuz to people who own both and play both thats just sillyness. THe 360 Oblivion is a game you should buy no matter how old it is! However, if you have a PS3...then guess what? Get that version lol! I'm sorry this just isnt the game to dissect's just too good in both consoles. Â
You really have no idea about how hardware or software works, right ?
I mean Shivering Isles is a ...smaller game ? Of course it is, but having amazing textures means it renders with 2x the render power to show them
This has NOTHING to do with how many square miles a game is, and keep in mind the view distance in SI is HUGE, as huge as Oblivion's and then some
So, SI does have 2x the texture resolution, and that comes after that year of optimization, PS3 has nothing on that, plus it does have some lower res textures, it is CLEAR in trhat gametrailers video, as the horse passes in front of the rock, in PS3 the rock is low res
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