I'm wondering if this game not coming to the wii. will hurt it sales. Is this what sony and ms are counting on. I've seen a lack of advertising for both the ps3 and 360, I haven't seen a 360 ad for ages.
I don't think it will hurt the Wii because Nintendo has SSBB and WiiFit (it would sell well) around the same time as GTAIV, also GTA4 is Multiplatform it will sell well because it is multiplatform but it wouldn't put those two consoles ahead of the Wii.
why would it when we have exclusives like endless ocean and NMH. id rather play smash anyway!!!!!! do i sound like a sheep? anyway, i dont think it will hurt it at all. people who own a wii but like GTA probably own a 360 or a PS3 also anyway.
With SSBB coming out the month before and NIntendo still not able to meet the demades for the Wii then I would say no. People are still going to have a hard time finding a Wii thought at least the first half of this year. I don't see any game slowing that down.
Absolutely it will, but you have to remember than hurt is a relative term. You'd have to be naive to think GTA4 won't improve PS3/360 sales, and since the average consumer generally only buys 1 console per generation it will hurt Nintendo's bottom line. It may only be a couple thousand units or it could amount to tens of millions of units over the long term, but GTA4 will certainly have a negative effect on the Wii.
I highly doubt anybody that bought a Wii seriously thought they would be playing GTA4 on it, and if they did more fool them :P. Anyway gamers which own a Wii will if they have not already likely buy a 360/PS3 for games like this :).
I don't think it'll hurt the wii, no. However, I believe an overall increase in sales of both machines will come about because of GTA4. For many of the casuals who are buying Wii's, GTA is one of their favorite games. They can't get enough of it. Since next-gen consoles are the only ones that will play GTA4, you will see an increase in their sales.
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