Halo 4 was the first main Halo title to not hit a 90+ on metacritic, the obvious reason would be Halo's new developer since Bungie left, some have made the claim that 343 was simply getting their feet wet with the franchise, but seem to be listening to community feedback and making all of the right decisions, will 343 bring Halo back to AAA status or will Halo from now on be a respectable AA series?
Personally I'm not one for review scores since I've played plenty of games that scored in the 80's, 70's, and even 60's, that I enjoyed more than games that scored in the 90's, but for the sake of the SW dick waving contest I think that Halo 5 NEEDS to be an AAA game.
Or, do you even care? Will the number detract from you enjoying the game?
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