Ok....we all know there have been MASSIVE numbers of XBOX 360s breaking down for various reasons: the system reads a game as a DVD, 3 red lights, the disc drive starts acting up, etc etc. There is no denying this.
Microsoft says the number is only 5%......but come on. Get real, we all know it's alot more than that, at the LOWEST I'd say it's 10%.
Some people call this kindness, I call it running back with your tail between your legs....they even had to change the crappy 1 month microsoft warranty to 1 year.
I know 1 person in real life (not many of my friends have a next gen syste, yet), and 1 friend over XBL/chat rooms who's had their XBOX 360 breakdown. The person in real life had it break down twice, in nearly the same time frame. The person over the internet/XBL only had it break down once. I know both of these people keep their systems ventilated, and dust free......yet it still broke on them.
I have yet to encounter a problem of this severity, but it's because of mediocresoft shoddy work of hardware as to why I'm selling my 360/getting a PS3.
Microsoft's customer service is also the crappiest ever, and the people are far from helpful (I called once to get hexic: HD code back, and it ended up taking 30 freaking minutes to get it....) and this isn't a racist comment, honestly, but you can hardly understand some of the people that microsoft outsourced. I was at my friend's house when it broke the 2nd time, and they had said his warranty expired (he bought his 360 round summer) and he goes and get's his recepit but they tell him the same thing. He yells at them and they just said (speaker phone FTW!) to "calm down". Microsoft also sends you crappily-rebuilt-reused-broken before XBOX 360s...which break so few days later. From what I've heard of the few PS3 breaking incidents, the customer service is great (and you can understand them!),and they send you a new PS3 TWO days later, where as it can take 2-3 weeks to get a new XBOX 360 back. And then you have to call microsoft back up to get your content......
The most commonly enountered problem is the 3 red lights, and this is caused to to overheating and causing a cable to disconnect due to crappy soldering. The thing is........microsoft would have to replace ALL XBOX 360's and replace them with new/better fans, heat pipes, disc trays,the 65nm chips,etc.....and microsoft would not only take a huge financial beating from that but also their reputation would take a plummet.
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