Lets break this down
The wii is basically getting ds games on a console.
I want you to show me a game on the DS that can be compared to Farcry, CoD, Zelda, mario Galaxy, Smash Bros Melee, Metroid Prime 3, MoH: Vangard, SSXÂ or any of the other hardcore games on Wii.
People might start to ask why are they paying $50 for a game the can get on their ds for $30.
Again tell me which of these games is on the DS? Look at mario galaxy or metroid 3, unless the DS is more powerful then the GC, in which case I dunno why anyone is buying the PSP, I have no idea how your argument here even makes sence.
Wii initial success is great, but it really lack the games that make you want to go out and buy one.
Yeah, and so does the PS3 but it's doing even worse. It's called launch, the 360 has been out for a year, give the Wii and PS3 time and they'll no doubt kick back with better titles. We already know that there's a whole heap of greatness comming up, check my list on the first point.
The games that people buy a nintendo console for are the same. Nintendo has, yet to release a killer app game that is a new ip.(SSB doesn't count because it uses characters that are already popular)
Firstly, I don't give a crap if the characters in the game are already popular, they're great characters, and smash bros is arguably one of the greatest fighter's available (especially for multiplayer). The games on a Nintendo console are also not the same, and if you think about it, Nintendo has developed over 50 ip's (check list on wikipedia). At the moment the ones they are using are Metroid, mario, Pikmin, Zelda, Advance Wars, Fire Emblem, Donkey Kong, F-Zero and pokemon. There's no doubt ones I'm missing, Smash bros should be it's own IP really. Note in the GC generation, we had the resurection of Metroid, and creation of Pikmin and batallion wars series. Really, the new IP's Nintendo created in that generation alone, is more then what Microsoft and Sony have developed in thier whole career. I fail to see the problem. microsoft and Sony especially rely on third parties, and yet, Nintendo now has more third party support then Sony and third party software is also selling better on Nintendo's console.
Look here: http://au.wii.ign.com/articles/764/764835p1.html
Nintendo will be around for a long time, but I really want them to stop relying on Zelda, Metroid, and Mario.
I think we just established that they're not. Infact, they only release 2 games per generation (5 years) in both the Zelda and Metroid franchises, and only one from the Mario franchise. I would hardly call that "relying on".
There is only one new IP gaining hype for the wii, and after seeing the trailer for it, I wouldn't want to play it if it has voice acting like that.
I think you may be refering to a third party game... Nintendo doesn't really control what third parties release.
I want a game that appeal to me base on its cool factor and being a new ip. Microsoft learned this, Sony knows this.
Then why is it that there's no first party Sony made series at all thats really publicly known, and the only one that Microsoft has is Halo?
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