That demo was insane!! As a lem I have to admit that was some sweet stuff. So Patcher said to expect Crysis 2 PC level graphics from the new consoles. Boy was he wrong! :)
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That demo was insane!! As a lem I have to admit that was some sweet stuff. So Patcher said to expect Crysis 2 PC level graphics from the new consoles. Boy was he wrong! :)
That demo was insane!! As a lem I have to admit that was some sweet stuff. So Patcher said to expect Crysis 2 PC level graphics from the new consoles. Boy was he wrong! :)
I have a feeling you're not a lem, lol.
I'm not so much a hermit...I've owned at LEAST one console every generation since the original Nintendo. With that said, I wasn't that impressed with the announcement games. Killzone looked really great, don't get me wrong, but in places I've seen better already in other existing titles. Not quite the leap I was hoping for to be perfectly honest. You have to also remember this isn't even coming out until later in the year, and who know how much of the videos were touched up. Still looked great though, and hope we see more stuff as we get closer to release.
[QUOTE="MBirdy88"]Crysis 3, Star Citizen and Arma 3 all very much disagree with your post.
Back in your cave cow, or at least back to reality.Miroku32
He's right though, in many ways those games do compare with it.
Anyone getting deja vu about E3 05 and the killzone 2 reveal?verbalfilth
I thought so as well but they did show gameplay. Or what looked like gameplay.
Crysis 3, Star Citizen and Arma 3 all very much disagree with your post. Back in your cave cow, or at least back to reality.MBirdy88
I don´t even mention Killzone is a very shallow shooter franchise that didn´t win any award. It´doesn´t matter how it will look untill I see acutally an engaging gameplay.
Anyone getting deja vu about E3 05 and the killzone 2 reveal?verbalfilthYep. Still remember that footage being claimed as actual footage and then the final game looking worse. Still good but definitely not up to par with the initial reveal. I'll wait till it gets closer to release to make a final judgement.
[QUOTE="verbalfilth"]Anyone getting deja vu about E3 05 and the killzone 2 reveal?ttboy
I thought so as well but they did show gameplay. Or what looked like gameplay.
They could have slapped a HUD on there to make it look like gameplay. Wouldn't be the first time they faked actual gameplay.[QUOTE="ttboy"]
That demo was insane!! As a lem I have to admit that was some sweet stuff. So Patcher said to expect Crysis 2 PC level graphics from the new consoles. Boy was he wrong! :)
I have a feeling you're not a lem, lol.
Lol I am a lem. If Microsoft does not match that Killzone demo then I'm going to buy th PS4. I'm not really interested in paying a premium for Kinect with worse rendering that what a PS4 produces.
[QUOTE="ttboy"][QUOTE="verbalfilth"]Anyone getting deja vu about E3 05 and the killzone 2 reveal?sirk1264
I thought so as well but they did show gameplay. Or what looked like gameplay.
They could have slapped a HUD on there to make it look like gameplay. Wouldn't be the first time they faked actual gameplay.
Yes that would not surprise me. To be honest it would be suicide for Sony..
no go play some high end pc games, and isnt it funny how sony fanboys have been touting for the last 4 years or so that graphics dont really matter and so the pc is irrelevant, and the second they get a game that looks decent they do a 180 :lol: i love the hypocrasy in this place at times
Why do Hermits need to take troll bait every time it is dangled in front of them? OhJayDubya
out of a deep seeded dersire to inform and educate lesser beings :P
Funny how hermits are like "go play high end PC games" and all those "high end" PC games are 360 ports. What are they gonna show off Starcraft? :D
Go play Starcraft Hermits. Go play Starcraft and cry.
Funny how hermits are like "go play high end PC games" and all those "high end" PC games are 360 ports. What are they gonna show off Starcraft? :D
Go play Starcraft Hermits. Go play Starcraft and cry.
have a look at star citizen
That demo was insane!!
If Guerilla could get back in time for three years and show this demo I might actually agree with you. Today, it really can't compete with PC.
Crysis 3, Star Citizen and Arma 3 all very much disagree with your post. Back in your cave cow, or at least back to reality.MBirdy88You forgot Metro LL. KZ4 looks like a ps3.5 game... the first part when you're in a plane it looked NEXT GEN but when its real gameplay and you're shooting stuff it looks worst than Crysis 2 so wtf are we talking about? If its just alpha and it'll improve, good but saying that that crap shown is better looking than crysis 3 maxed is laughable brah
Why do Hermits need to take troll bait every time it is dangled in front of them? OhJayDubya
Why is it troll bait when its been said that consoles could not match a high end PC. This has been said many times on here. Now that a game seems to do it and the question is raised you call it troll baiting. Its a serious question.
[QUOTE="OhJayDubya"]Why do Hermits need to take troll bait every time it is dangled in front of them? ttboy
Why is it troll bait when its been said that consoles could not match a high end PC. This has been said many times on here. Now that a game seems to do it and the question is raised you call it troll baiting. Its a serious question.
No, we said the old consoles couldn't ... nobody said a next gen one wouldn't come close for 6 months. this always happens, your news is not new or interesting. Only last generation nothing on PC beat gears of war for a few months. PS4 has been revealed and there are MULTIPLE PC games that still look better than one of its first part graphic whoring shooter studios.That demo was insane!! As a lem I have to admit that was some sweet stuff. So Patcher said to expect Crysis 2 PC level graphics from the new consoles. Boy was he wrong! :)
Dead Space 3 on my PC right now looks better than this game, the PC has been delivering better graphics than this for years, you've just living in a hole. Some lens flares and shiny buildings and an improved fidelity over the old consoles and suddenly you are wetting your pants "BEST GRAFIX EVAR"...seriously, you are just demonstrating how oblivious you've been to the PC's huge graphical disparity to consoles.
Anyone getting deja vu about E3 05 and the killzone 2 reveal?verbalfilth
Are you people serious? E3 2005 was a CGI target render, Killzone SF was REAL TIME.
Watching the gameplay again on 1080p... KZ SF easily the new graphics king. And the best part is its only a launch game.
That demo was insane!! As a lem I have to admit that was some sweet stuff. So Patcher said to expect Crysis 2 PC level graphics from the new consoles. Boy was he wrong! :)
Dead Space 3 on my PC right now looks better than this game, the PC has been delivering better graphics than this for years, you've just living in a hole. Some lens flares and shiny buildings and an improved fidelity over the old consoles and suddenly you are wetting your pants "BEST GRAFIX EVAR"...seriously, you are just demonstrating how oblivious you've been to the PC's huge graphical disparity to consoles.
Dead Space 3......? what in the.... lol PC gamers in some hardcore damage mode
gonna have to keep this saved.
I don't think so TC
These games look great .. But be honest if Killzone was PC only game you would say its above these games
crysis 3 looks on pc is a generation ahead of ps3/360. it looks better than killzone4.That demo was insane!! As a lem I have to admit that was some sweet stuff. So Patcher said to expect Crysis 2 PC level graphics from the new consoles. Boy was he wrong! :)
This was essentially an unoptimized tech demo. Probably running with the high quality assets the artists work with prior to the optimization phase, and running no a PC with prototype Ps4 hardware.
Even some of the animations seemed a bit stilted.
It's NOT representative of what the game will actually look like when ti comes out.
Also, Killzone sucks and Crysis 3 looks better.
[QUOTE="verbalfilth"]Anyone getting deja vu about E3 05 and the killzone 2 reveal?KillzoneSnake
Are you people serious? E3 2005 was a CGI target render, Killzone SF was REAL TIME.
Watching the gameplay again on 1080p... KZ SF easily the new graphics king. And the best part is its only a launch game.
Dude... Yeah, I must admit that the game looks pretty good. But how can you, and all the Cows be so serious regarding KZ SF being a new graphics king?
That demo was insane!! As a lem I have to admit that was some sweet stuff. So Patcher said to expect Crysis 2 PC level graphics from the new consoles. Boy was he wrong! :)
Dead Space 3 on my PC right now looks better than this game, the PC has been delivering better graphics than this for years, you've just living in a hole. Some lens flares and shiny buildings and an improved fidelity over the old consoles and suddenly you are wetting your pants "BEST GRAFIX EVAR"...seriously, you are just demonstrating how oblivious you've been to the PC's huge graphical disparity to consoles.
Dead Space 3......? what in the.... lol PC gamers in some hardcore damage mode
lol, it does, I was playing it when the stream was on last night. Have you ever even seen a game in ultra graphics 1080p on the PC? I'm sure the console version looks terrible as usual, it's pretty standard stuff for the PC but it looks better than this game without a doubt. I appreciate that is going to hurt your hype based feelings, but it's just reality.
Sigh, the delusions of consolites continue, you really have no idea just how far the PC has been ahead graphically for years do you? Enjoy your underpowered PC, woops I meant console...
crysis 3 on ps3/360 is completely lacking shadows from all lightsources like the pc version and much lower resolution textures.
pc version really is a generation ahead of the console version.
These games look great .. But be honest if Killzone was PC only game you would say its above these games
Hand on my heart I wouldn't. Nothing comes close to Crysis 3 visually, not even some other top tier PC games. Crysis 3 and Cryengine 3 are doing things other games can only dream of. As a piece of software it's absolutely amazing. And seeing things in motion is a completely different story, it's even better.
One thing Crysis 3 will have over other games is it's more dynamic in lighting and physics. Rain drops hit pipes and bounce off in different directions, that's some sweet stuff. You walk through water and its ripples shine and light each blade of grass individually
only ps4 could run what crysis 3 looks like on pc max settings but still at lower resolution and framerate compared to pc.
Dead Space 3 on my PC right now looks better than this game, the PC has been delivering better graphics than this for years, you've just living in a hole. Some lens flares and shiny buildings and an improved fidelity over the old consoles and suddenly you are wetting your pants "BEST GRAFIX EVAR"...seriously, you are just demonstrating how oblivious you've been to the PC's huge graphical disparity to consoles.
Dead Space 3......? what in the.... lol PC gamers in some hardcore damage mode
lol, it does, I was playing it when the stream was on last night. Have you ever even seen a game in ultra graphics 1080p on the PC? I'm sure the console version looks terrible as usual, it's pretty standard stuff for the PC but it looks better than this game without a doubt. I appreciate that is going to hurt your hype based feelings, but it's just reality.
Sigh, the delusions of consolites continue, you really have no idea just how far the PC has been ahead graphically for years do you? Enjoy your underpowered PC, woops I meant console...
I hope you not serious dude... my PC can max DS3 and it looks sharper than ps3 version for sure... but comparing it to next gen Killzone... i think you need a doctor lol
It was very impressive and does best many PC games but lets not get too far ahead of ourselves. So far it seems Sony has done an excellent job on the hardware side of things and that has me pretty excited for PS4's release.BPoole96
They're cows, their job on SW is to overhype things into oblivion and beat people over the head with it
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