On gamespot PS3 games tend to have a BAD review always.
for exemple:
IGN - 9.1
GS - 8.6
Virtua Fighter 5
IGN - 8.8
GS - 8.1
will they under-rate Oblivion for the PS3. Even after saying this:
Oblivion looks better on PS3
"Based on what we've seen recently of a nearly finished PS3 build of Oblivion, at least the game will end up looking noticeably better for all this waiting. The real enhancement is in the visuals and, to some extent, the loading times. The game seemed to have a slightly smoother and more consistent frame rate than it did on the Xbox, though the difference wasn't enormous, and it seemed to us that the textures looked just a tad sharper. More obvious (and confirmed by Bethesda) was an improvement to the game's texturing over large distances."
PS3 Oblivion beats X360 in Speed and Graphics
"even when compared to the HD display put out by Xbox 360, PS3's rendition of Oblivion's jaw-dropping countryside is considerably crisper and richer than its soft focussed rival."
"A regular complaint levelled at the 360 version was the long loading times compared to PC, and I must admit being worried that PS3 would suffer a similar fate. But curse me for ever doubting Sony's mighty machine because the combination of the speedy Cell and RSX processors and the sheer amount of data that Blu-ray can spit out in one go, means that Oblivion on PS3 loads very quickly,"
"I'd estimate it loads as fast, if not faster than the PC version (on a mid-spec machine); moving from outside to in or vice versa, loads in a second or two, with fast-travelling across the entire map taking just a few seconds more. Also, bear in mind I'm looking at preview code, not the finished game, and load times can be optimised further prior to launch."
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