I can't say I'm a fan of the series, but it does seem to do well ratings-wise. I have no doubt that it will be one of the highest scoring PS3 titles of all time (yes, I know, whoop-de-do). My question is, when and if this becomes an AAA title for the PS3, will the cows act like, "OMGz, this is just the tip of the iceberg, Lemmings! yu R d00medz!!1" ?
I'm going to guess the answer is yes. Its amazing what one AAA game can do for a population that has been starved for good content for such a long time.
And Halo 3 didn't make the lemmings feel better? :)
Exactly. Any AAA game for any system makes the respective fanboys feel better, and gives every supporter of that system a chance to use it against, well, the fanboys of the other systems, since they're mostly too arrogant to listen to anything else..
Fanboys ARE arrogant, that's why I take it as an insult whenever someone calls me a Sony fanboy. True, I do favor Sony, but I don't say "PS3 is the best system ever, l0lz we pwn, you suck, thaz righ 360 and wii"
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