With Paramount and Dreamworks signing exclusive to HD-DVD, that means Transformers and the Shrek series can both be expected entirely on HD-DVD. Let us not forget that another big blockbuster, The Bourne Ultimatum, will also be on HD-DVD only since it's on Universal which is actually HUGE (Identity and Supremacy picked up twice the audience when they came to video and were the biggest hits of the year). These titles might not stand up to Pirates or Spider-Man, but you have got to admit with the possible cheaper players available this holiday season, this certainly will extend the war to go on a little bit longer. Needless to say, I think we'll stop seeing those lame "Blu-Ray has officially won" threads. Thoughts?
the only thing that will make a dent for hd-dvd in the format war is whether Toshiba can deliver on their $200 hd-dvd stand alone player that could sell alot of hardware for hd-dvd and tip the balance in thier favor combined with paramount.
By the time enough people are even aware that there are two competing HD formats, we'll all be getting our movies over broadband. So whoever "wins" this format war will only be winning a gold sticker to put on their forehead.
I really think it's too little too late for HD-DVD. Personally in the next year or so I can see hybrid Blu-ray/HD-DVD players selling better than standalone HD-DVD.
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