How the 3D will work?
Anyone who has an iPad 2 will know how 3D elements work on this device. The iPad 2 features a camera on the front side which uses smart software for head tracking. The software processes the position to your head to make the illusion of 3D. A similar technique was used on the Wii during its early stages. This led to Microsoft hiring a hacker to create the Kinect.
Surprisingly, the NGP also features a camera on the front like the iPad 2. Although there are no guarantees, it is highly possible that developers will be using this camera for head tracking while gaming. Especially since it has more than enough processing power to handle 3D capability, so we should be seeing tech demos eventually. The nice thing about front camera 3D is that they are universal, so anyone looking from the side will be able to see it, not just the gamer. Unlike the 3DS, a 3D NGP would not cause headaches and strained eyes.
Is it Real?
However, previous interviews with Sony have stated that Sony decided against 3D effects. It seemed somewhat odd that the NGP was not partaking of the 3D buzz, so it looks like Sony has finally gotten smart and added this capability for all the 3D gaming fan. Adding true 3D capability would cause the NGP to become much costlier, so hopefully the front camera technique will be valued at a much cheaper price. Hopefully, Sony will shed more light on the NGP in their upcoming E3 press release.
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