So Tales of Xillia has come and gone. I just don't get this series and who it appeals to. I've always thought the series has a bit of a reputation for fast and fluid combat with supposedly a decent story/cast...
Maybe it's a translation thing but Tales stories have always seemed horribly written. It's like Bamco took the most generic stories ever found in various anime and manga and used those for their Tales' series. Plus the terminology is so contrived and ridiculous. Am I supposed to take it serious? Or is this one of those just for laughs and giggles kinds of games and I missed the memo?
Don't even get me started on the combat. Attack a few times and then guard the counter-attack. Oh an enemy is casting a spell? Target it and disrupt it. Don't forget to spam only a few abilities over and over. Meanwhile your teammates are so incredibly overpowered there is very little for you, the player, to do. You can just kind of run in little circles while the AI does all the work. Combat in general is simply too flashy and feels too much like "press X for cool things to happen." There is virtually no strategy to the Tales series. No depth at all.
On top of all that the artstyles tend to be horrendous. Colorful doesn't mean creative. It's just all too much. I'm a grown man. I'd be so embarassed if anyone caught me playing this.
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