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Hardly, Nintendo still has to walk the walk with third parties, plus they need a good online offering which they haven't shown they can do on a comparitive level with Sony or MS. Plus the WiiU still has its drawbacks that hardcore games won't overlook (lack of analog sticks+buttons, no optical digital, etc.).
1. it'll have the support of the best first party offering in the gaming business 2. it'll have the support of 3rd parties because it'll have a good powerful console 3. the wii u controller will set the bar, and you have access to the great motion controller from the wii. 4. nintendo will bring the innovation while microsoft and sony are too busy playing catch up (move and kinect LOL)Espereful1. That is debatable.
2. My guess is it still won't be as strong as Sony or Microsoft.
3. The controller has an SD screen, I prefer HD thanks.
4. Seems to me like it is Nintendo playing catch up. They are FINALLY releasing a system with this gen specs (about damn time too). And they are trying to grab what Sony and Microsoft already have....the hardcore crowd. Seems to me like it is Nintendo that is the one trying to catch up.
To actually answer the question you asked in the title. No it will not be the best system to own. The system will be ridiculously expensive due to the controller. We all know Nintendo DOES NOT take losses, so you know the system will cost and arm and leg. The games will be the same price years after they release due to Nintendo hating price drops. And unless you really like playing the same IPs over and over and over and over again, then their First Party isn't very impressive. Lets not forget that the hardcore crowd they are going for more than likely already own the PS3 and/or 360. Why would they want to buy a new expensive console that is pretty much at the same level as the system/s they already own. And we all know the Wii U is going to get slammed with games that are already on the PS3 and/or 360. Why would somebody that already owns a PS3/360 want to go buy Nintendo's new system just to play the games they already own? And not just that, do you really think they want to play those games on an inferior online service?
We don't know enough about the system to make any educated judgements. Specs are still bit of a mystery, and we don't know how many third party developers will be lining up to make games for the system, especially games that take full advantage of the new controller.
We just don't know right now. We'll know more in the coming months as more details emerge.
One thing is for sure: The Wii U needs a very strong launch to be successful. Nintendo needs a strong library of impressive launch titles that compel gamers enough to buy the console. If the launch is nothing but party games for casuals, then it does not bode well for the future.
ughh the gamecube and the nintendo 64 didn't fair so against its competition and that had major third party support. The wii u remote looks like a gimmick and the only thing i find fairly interesting about it is you can play games on the remote. But the ps vita could also do it too. so we will see
1. it'll have the support of the best first party offering in the gaming business 2. it'll have the support of 3rd parties because it'll have a good powerful console 3. the wii u controller will set the bar, and you have access to the great motion controller from the wii. 4. nintendo will bring the innovation while microsoft and sony are too busy playing catch up (move and kinect LOL)Espereful
1. In no way can I call nintendo the best 1st party when both sony and ms have brought out more new IP's that are popular with core gamers.
2. Nintendo has not had good 3rd party support from the snes. It starts then stops on the n64,cube and wii same pattern.
3. The tablet controller that you can't even buy a 2nd one of in stores your joking right. Nintendo is still stuck in the single player days 1 pad with digital controls.
4. Yeah innovation not really been playing games on my ipad long before the wii u came out. Also the dreamcast had a screen in the controller long before this. Nintendo just stuck a big touchscreen on a controller what is so great about that ??
5. After nintendo's response to project rainfall I am surprised that any nintendo fan would support nintendo in the states.
6. Nintendo back in the cube days called online gaming a fad. On the wii the online gaming was horrible when it worked. On the wii u nintendo claims they are talking to 3rd parties about it. Hello nintendo you have the roadmaps of the pc,360 and ps3 to see what works and how to do it. Nintendo is just stalling and the onling gaming will most likely be rubbish once again.
7. The wii u as said by nintendo won't be cheap.
8. The wii u has no dvd or blu-ray play back a standard on other consoles fron the ps2/xbox days
9. The wii u has no hard drive nintendo wants us to buy our own with out own money to store their online content.
10. The wi u is using a r700 based gpu from 2008 in a 2012 console that is pathetic. I think based on the shiggy interview that nintendo wanted the tablet and wanted to keep the price down so the picked this old gpu. Wii u will be good for ps3/360 ports but will most likely be crushed by the true next gen system from ms and sony.
I am taking the wait and see tude this time. I will wait to see if the wii u is any good and when the price cut hits I will pick one up if I see anything I want. I still have my pc,psp and ps3 to game on. I had a wii but sold it as it is basically a dead system. I have to see nintendo walk the walk not just talk the talk. I am not buying the wii u as a secondary system it must be able to stand on it's own.
[QUOTE="emorainbo"]why would a dev make a technically advanced game for the Wii U though? You would have to scale it down to accomadate the Ps3/360 crowdEsperefulfirst party games? or even exclusive third party games? I seriously doubt there will be any third party exclusives. It would require a dev to have more expensive development costs and with a smaller user base than the PS3/360 and even the PC. Also I dont have faith in Nintendo's first party after this gen. The Wii is apparently near the end of its life and it hasnt had a real Zelda yet. (TP was a Gamecube port, and yes I do know about Skyward Sword but my point still stands) Not to mention huge droughts that we've seen on the Wii throughout this gen.
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