It's part of a job and study. I can't tell you much more then that.
yeah..of course you can't. Not fooling anyone hereWell the best way to explain it would be this:
Over the course of human history people often form into "tribes" or "groups", today in our modern society this is effect is still going, just in different forms. You have the republicans and the democrats for instance, and in this case you have Xbox fanboys and PS3 fanboys. It's interesting to wonder how these tribal divides still exist to some degree in our society, some people do not have this mentality while others still do.
Some "tribal" things are important as people share common values, but there is a line where one crosses and it becomes aggressive and blind followship at the loss of ones individuality. This mindset has negative impacts on society as it divides us and stops us from working together, it seperates communities. Instead of simply being fellow Americans, we're either republicans or democrats, instead of just being fellow gamers we're either 360 fanboys or PS3 fanboys. Same mentality, same effects.
With this mindset and division, it leads to societal systems into dissarry. People no longer think like individuals and start to think in a group mindest to the massive scale, it becomes more than an idealogy and almost like a religion, What this impace will have on future societies will be lack of growth or entrepenureship or lack of working together, simply due to having a cognitive bias.
This place is a perfet way to "Test" it out so to speak. And to see how easy it is to manipulate. This place may seem like pure anarchy on the surface, but "tribes" have formed, and there is a hirachy and a set of "values", just all on a much smaller scale. And like a drop of water, one can make it change to however they want. You can learn about human nature from this place more so then the common man realizes.
My god man. This is probably the dumbest "cover my ass" story I've ever read on this board.
Good job.
I cant even begin to explain how flawed such a study would be on this board, nevermind the fact that there are many more places on the net that such a study would yield infinitely more accurate results.
NEVERMIND the fact that such a study would be pointless on this level and that no jack ass on Earth would pay you to conduct such a study here.
Congratulations on paying some attention in your high school level Sociology class I guess.
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