Not so long ago there was a thread about this... Anyways,,, Uncharted 4 looks great and all but technically it is not even close to what we'll get from Squadron 42 next year. What really makes Uncharted impressive is the clever use scripted events and stuff that appears on screen, thanks to the game's linear nature and talented artists (even if we take original E3 Trailer into consideration which looked a lot better. It's still impressive)
However, the hardware and tech that is powering it is not that impressive compared to upcoming PC Games. You see Drake moving among crowd and changing his movement as he moves,,, it's all scripted and it will play out exactly the same every time. Those are just different set of animations (Set A or B or C) that are triggered when you reach Point A or B or C, just like previous Uncharted games. On other hand, when you are hit by a bullet at random place, nothing happens apart from loosing few health points or triggering 1-2 seconds long animation.
In the case of games like Squadron 42/Star Citizen, your body movement is affected by how you are hit by an object (bullet for example). Speed, place of impact, armor, type of bullet, distance etc are all taken into consideration. Also if you loose your arm in PU, and bleed out, you get mechanical arm instead. Tech like that is more impressive than bullet sponge enemies and scripted animations. That's just one example among many others where UC is outclassed technically (I used this example because ND are usually praised for their animations). And if I'm not mistaken UC uses Motion Capture while Sq42 uses full Performance capture, which is more advanced technique than MC. So, no it's not going to be Graphics King. But it's definitely best looking Console game IMO.
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