-Please actually add the balance of power system that was promised, because that shit sounded cool, and the AI in the original Last of Us is nowhere near as good.
-Pls get rid of the fucking microtransactions that impact gameplay in the multiplayer. It's actually a good mode for the game, and you can easily just sell cosmetic shit to people and make money.
-Cut it out with the cinematic walking, because **** cinematic walking
-Maybe actually come up with more interesting environmental traversal/puzzle sequences that aren't mindless. I get the idea of pacing itself, but some times The last of Us is overkill.
-Pls make the support AI either attached to your hip a bit better during stealth, or actually punish the support AI for running around like an idiot, and design game around that. Because it's immersion breaking as ****, and feels like a cheap fix to avoid actually making an interesting AI.
-Maybe don't put the camera square on Joel's back for "cinematic purposes"
The Last of Us writing and acting while good, is still tied to a setting and group of characters that are generic, I was a much bigger fan of how much better the gameplay was in The Last of Us than say Uncharted. Guns were beefy sounding, the sway added a level of finesse to actually shooting and helping every bullet count, and the super streamlined splinter cell stealth combined with the survival mechanics+cover shooter aspects actually provided a level of situational depth that isn't really there in the Uncharted games, until the better encounters in 4.
I'm a little worried that without Bruce Straley, Druckmann is gonna go full cinematic wankfest with a game that was already does make concessions for the story, but I also really like that first game, and Uncharted 4's combat encounters were genuinely well done. I just don't want to be bored out of my mind in between while a video game pretends it's doing a story up to snuff with The Road n Children of Men, when it fucking isn't.
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