Even at launch, in real life situations (ie playing your friend's Xbox One and coming home to your PS4), the graphical differences in games are minimal at best (as long as you take your fanboy goggles off).. These forums are the only place where Battlefield 4 looks "significantly" better on PS4 versus the Xbox One version.. In the real world, to the average consumer, they look exactly the same.. And that's really all that matters in terms of sales and public perception..
do PS4 fanboys have the bragging rights? Absolutely.. Is the PS4 proving to be the more powerful console so far?.. Yes. Does it actually make a "real world" impact when you aren't looking a both consoles side-by-side through a magnifying glass?.. NO..
honestly, its the Xbox One features that PS4 fanboys are totally dismissing that are the features I hear about most from people (non-hardcore gamers) I run into on a daily basis.. Your neighbor, Rick, isnt talking about " 720p vs 1080p".. He saying "Wow, its cool that I can do two things at once on the Xbox One like play a Call of Duty and still watch the football game".. You think these people care about counting pixels?.. You think they watch Digital Foundry comparisons?.. All they'll know is that their HDTV says that Call of Duty is outputing at 1080p.. They won't know or care that it's upscaled 1080p instead of 1080p native.. Hell, half the people on this forum wouldnt have know the difference if the internet didnt tell them. even IGN didnt know that they were looking at two 720p CoD games, instead they let the "idea" of the PS4 version being higher resolution play tricks with their own eyes.. That says it all right there.. Truthfully, the only people I've seen say that they can see a graphical differences between the two consoles are the people on internet forums.. Not a single gamer I know (hardcore or casual) has sat in front of a TV screen in my house or at their house and said that they see a substantial difference in these games in terms of graphics after playing the competition at a friends house.. At this point, we're arguing about trivial differences that will go unnoticed by the vast majority..
this isn't PS2 versus Xbox people.. There's isn't a readily noticeable difference that anybody can see at this point.. Eventually, with the PS4's hardware edge, that may be the case.. But lets not pretend like its happening right now..
and lets also stop pretending that 1080p/60fps is the new standard.. I'd certainly like for it to be but so far BOTH consoles have fallen short on that front.. Sure the "Xbone" only has one game (Forza Motorsports 5) in 1080p/60fps but the "PS3.5" isn't doing much better with only 1.5 games performing at that level (Call of Duty: Ghosts and Killzone: Shadow Fall's multiplayer).. 1 vs 1.5 isn't quite as lopsided as Sony fanboys would have you believe..
both consoles will improve, multiplatform games will reach a point of parity, PS4 exclusives will typically outshine the competition in terms of graphics, and Xbox One will have a better dashboard/UI experience while paving new ground with Xbox Live features.. Same ole song and dance..
another gen, same drama.. The PS3s multiplatform versions of games paled in comparison to the 360's for a looooong time.. We all see how that turned out.. Lol, its LAUNCH people.. Calm down..
/rant *disclaimer* I have an Xbox One and half my friends are divided among XB1 players and PS4 players.. So far I think both consoles are on even footing with their own pros and cons.. I plan on buying a PS4 one day once the Sony 1st parties roll in and there's probably a price drop or two
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