Farcry 2 was my favorite of the whole series.
Of course it did alot of things wrong, but it got so many things right.
The main thing it did wrong was you could only save at a safehouse, which made it alot less spontaneous. Also the enemy bases would regen at a ridiculous speed, like you would clear it out, drive down the road, drive back 5 minutes later and it's reset. And you kept having to fight base after base after base just to drive 3 miles to your quest. With no savegame so if you died you lose hours of progress.
The other Farcries had different problems.
Far Cry 4 the animals were out of control, you fighting wolf and eagle attacks you, you turn to fight eagle and enemy patrol shows up, fight enemy patrol and you got rammed by a ram. It's like being attacked by an entire zoo.
Thematically I liked FC2 the best. Africa was just beautiful. The Jackal. NGO's. It was just really good.
FC3 did everything right and was probably the most perfect of the series. But it was very safe. Very "pedestrian." White guy shows up and gets crowned king. Just very....formulaic and 'casual friday.'
I haven't played the one in Montana yet.
PS - If you liked FC2 the best, try Ghost Recon Wildlands. It made me fall in love with Bolivia.
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