Notable titles
Injustice 2 (88), Mortal Kombat X(86), SFV(77), KoF XIV(79), GGX2(87) and of course Tekken 7(83).
^*(metacritic PS4 score)
My vote goes too MKX even though I am blown away by Tekken 7.
I would go with Blazblue Chrono Phantasma Extend. I haven't played Street Fighter V, King of Fighters XIV, or Injustice 2 yet though.
*Googles Injustice 2*... Oh wow, it looks amazing. Might consider this over Tekken 7. Thinking of getting Tekken 7 when it becomes cheaper as I don't think I will play it regularly in contrast to PES 2017.
Notable titles
Injustice 2 (88), Mortal Kombat X(86), SFV(77), KoF XIV(79), GGX2(87) and of course Tekken 7(83).
^*(metacritic PS4 score)
My vote goes too MKX even though I am blown away by Tekken 7.
Killer Instinct Season 3 has 86 MC.
From the ones you posted it goes like this gameplay wise:
GG > KOF > SFV > Injustice 2 > MKX
---Tekken is a 3D fighting game, so not sure where to put it but Tekken 7 is just Tekken. Not that different from all the prior games. It's better than Virtua Fighter 5 and Dead or Alive 5, that's for sure.
Content wise:
Injustice 2, MKX > GG, KOF, Tekken 7 > SFV
Personally SFV, but Injustice 2 is the most polished one and has the best package of all of them.
Gameplay wise
SFV>Tekken 7>GG>KoFXIV>Injustice 2>MKX
Injustice 2>MKXL>SFV(new cfn)>GG>KoFXIV>>>>>>>Tekken 7 ( ps4 version online is broken and i don't have PC)
Single player Contents
Injustice 2>MKXL>Tekken 7>GG>KoFXIV>SFV
Guilty Gear and Blazblue games
Followed by Skullgirls
Followed by Tekken 7 and The King of Fighters XIV
Followed by the rest (broken toys)
I don't play a lot of fighters these days, but I'm loving Injustice 2. I like fighting games but I'm not good enough to play the people online and I'm too good to play my wife and kid all the time. The gear system and multiverse has given it a lot more play-ability for me.
MKX or Injustice 2. Haven't played Injustice 2 as much, but presentation-wise, it's the best out there.
I dont understand why people like fighting games, whole genre gameplay looks so "meh, and all those ridiculous long combos only most loyal fans can remember dont make them any more fun.
Competitive nature of competitive gamers like fighting games , thats all. And gameplay is far from meh , thats your taste. Most fighting games need ridiculous reaction times , deep knowledge of all characters , on point executions and combos and many more things other than learn long combos.
Thats what makes fighting games satisfying in the end. Beat the shit out of your opponent while learning the game from scratch ( or not ).
Also to learn a long combo you dont need to be a loyal fan , it will take you an hour or two to learn something. The executions are what is game braker for casuals.
I'm very much a casual player. For me, fighting games are sort of like bite-size action games. I fire it up, I beat people up and pull cool moves for a few minutes, and I'm satisfied. They're not the kind of games I have to sit down for hours and hours to get the most out of. There's also an "easy to learn, hard to master" moreish quality to these games, as I try to learn new moves and get better at the games.
Also, fighting games always have vast rosters of varied and colourful characters, each with their own movesets, strengths and weaknesses, and personalities, which add even more replayability. Heck, Injustice 1's roster was the reason it was probably my second favourite fighting game ever; I grew up reading DC comics (not an avid reader, mind you), so to play as and pit against characters I knew and loved since my youth, I sort of think this must be how kids who bash action figures together must feel.
Anyway, just wanted to get my thought out there. Tekken 7 is the first and only "this gen" fighting game I've bought so far, so I don't really have any answer to contribute to the main topic of this thread. Fascinating answers in this thread so far, though.
@i_p_daily: Don't tease that shit man, I want that game so bad. :(
You and me both, the king has been asleep for far to long :(
Big fan of Mortal Kombat X
Not a big fan of how they handled the PC version, and especially how they handled DLC for the pc version.
No Alien on PC pissed me the hell off.
Nope, Alien, Leatherface and others are there. They apparently finally fixed the game too.
SFV is by far my favorite of the bunch, but I can't just flat out call it the best.
I'd say SFV, GGXRD, Tekken 7, and (probably) KoF14 round out the top 4 pretty easily. I only say probably for KoF14 as I haven't put a significant amount of time in it, still waiting on the PC version.
Not sure why you'd exclude Killer Instinct, I don't think it's a top tier fighting game, but I'd still place it above the NRS games.
Followed by Skullgirls
Great game, but not current gen.
Also, how can you call the others broken when Tekken 7's online doesn't even work on PS4 at the moment and you're not playing it on PC. Do you even have the game? lol
Smash Bros :p just trying to stir the pot. Just got injustice 2 and now tekken 7. I've had Street Fighter V and Killer Instinct for a while. i say they're all fun. I do commend Injustice 2 for having a great single player experience, They pushed the genre forward.
SFV is by far my favorite of the bunch, but I can't just flat out call it the best.
I'd say SFV, GGXRD, Tekken 7, and (probably) KoF14 round out the top 4 pretty easily. I only say probably for KoF14 as I haven't put a significant amount of time in it, still waiting on the PC version.
Not sure why you'd exclude Killer Instinct, I don't think it's a top tier fighting game, but I'd still place it above the NRS games.
Followed by Skullgirls
Great game, but not current gen.
Also, how can you call the others broken when Tekken 7's online doesn't even work on PS4 at the moment and you're not playing it on PC. Do you even have the game? lol
Are you stalking my steam list or something? Just add me love.
Anyway I'm not much of a competitive fighter, I don't go online for these types of games at all. I fully expect the online will be fixed soon enough, it's the newest games and a lot of games have initial issues.
But regarding GG, yes it's great but blazblue is pretty much it's equal :P
Injustice 2 is probably the best game from an all round perspective.
Street Fighter V is the best in terms of gameplay though. Tekken 7 is also really good too from what I hear.
I dont understand why people like fighting games, whole genre gameplay looks so "meh, and all those ridiculous long combos only most loyal fans can remember dont make them any more fun.
I have played Street Fighter IV, Mortal Kombat X, Tekken 6 and Tag 2 online, and I can count the number of long combos that I've had someone use on me on two hands and still have some fingers left over.
I'm not saying it never happens, but most players often stick to shorter combo strings that are safer. If I'm running against someone who can pound me down with unbreakable combo strings that go on forever, then they are out of my league anyway.
Now, I don't include Marvel vs Capcom 3 or Killer Instinct in my comments because those games are built around combo engines that encourage you to hit insane combos. Alot of the reason why I never got into Marvel vs Capcom 3 is because I got my ass smoked online by people who knew the game inside and out, and most of whom could kill my team with no effort at all.
SFV is the most overrated fighting game of this gen. The balance is bad, and there is no uniqueness to the characters really. It's pretty bad when you compare it to other fighters especially in terms of content. When you play SFV you feel like you are fighting against the game systems and your character's design to make things work. Gameplay feels restricted. SF also has a cult following that are loyal to that franchise for no reason at this point besides it being SF. I'd say GGxrd rev 2 is probably the best fighter of this gen.
How weird of you to not include Killer Instinct. Is it because it's not on your shitstation?
I want to try out Killer Instinct, god I loved Killer Instinct on SNES
But after Age of Empires: Online I don't think I wanna play a F2P MS game again.
SFV is the most overrated fighting game of this gen. The balance is bad, and there is no uniqueness to the characters really. It's pretty bad when you compare it to other fighters especially in terms of content. When you play SFV you feel like you are fighting against the game systems and your character's design to make things work. Gameplay feels restricted. SF also has a cult following that are loyal to that franchise for no reason at this point besides it being SF. I'd say GGxrd rev 2 is probably the best fighter of this gen.
I wouldn't say overrated man, people still shit all over the game, even though it's largely un-deserved at this point. People are still treating it like it's day-1 SFV, and even back then the shit was overblown. I don't know how you could look at the general reception, be it critic scores, sales, or forum gamers bitching and somehow think it's overrated. It's getting the shaft by every metric there is outside of the competitive scene.
The balance certainly isn't perfect, but it's not bad, every character is viable at lower level play, and most characters can still put in work at higher levels. The only odd man out at the moment is Balrog, he can make a come back off of one mistake and burst damage your ass with full corner carry leaving you on the edge of stun. One good mixup and you're done. But still, he's not broken, and people have already figured him out. Otherwise the balance is pretty good, and they even brought Fang back from the dead lol. But it's like any other FG man, you have your high, mid, and low tiers. As a Dhalsim player sitting at exactly mid tier I can safely say I have no complaints. I can still wreck a Balrog player even though he's my worst matchup and I can still get wrecked by a Gief player even though he's my best matchup.
I'd love to hear your gripes about character uniqueness though as this probably the single aspect of SFV that excels over many fighting games. No two characters feel even remotely similar. Even the 3 shotos are as unique as shotos have ever been, their similarities are strictly superficial at this point, their gameplans are worlds apart. If you want to argue that the game itself is geared towards a much more aggressive play style, then sure, fair enough. I would definitely agree that SFV could benefit from more viable defensive options. But still, here I am, a Sim player surviving off of zoning and mixups, so how bad can it really be? Most fighting games lean one way or another as far as aggression vs defense. Like Guilty Gear, that game is all about being a constant aggressor, you're even punished for not being aggressive, though you don't hear people complain about that lol. (and why should they, it's amazing fun.)
Content though sure, if you're looking to be an offline warrior, SFV is much like Tekken 7 in that respect, a whole lot of nothing. No disagreement there.
And yes, the gameplay is more restrictive than something like SF4, where there was more room for player expression and styling on people in general. You can still clearly see difference between NuckleDu and Daigos Guiles, Punk and Wong's Karins, Snake eyes and Itazan's Giefs, etc., though not quite as distinct as the player expression in USF4. At the moment, Akuma is the only character with the tools to straight up express and style on people.
And yeah, no shit SF automatically gets a following due to being SF, no denying that. And even as a long time SF fan, I really don't like how that works. It boggles my mind to see SFV packed with players while great games like GGXRD, Skullgirls, and KoF14 are ghost towns in comparison and only get their due among the core FGC. It sucks. I really wish there was a more even distribution of popularity with these games, but it is what it is man.
Just about every genre is like that. Like last year, I picked up an arena shooter called Toxxic (stupid name I know). It was only 10 bucks, but holy shit that game plays like a dream, has sweet ass level design and is just a blast to play all around. So much better than many of these million+ selling shooters, but nobody plays it. That's just how it goes, big names and marketing rule the gaming landscape.
Anyways man, sorry for the novel-post here. While I can agree with some of what you're saying, I also believe your perspective is a bit skewed and you're blowing some of these aspects out of proportion. SFV is far from perfect, but it's not what you're making it out to be. And to call it overrated at this point would be akin to calling Mass Effect Andromeda overrated lol.
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