@Cloud_imperium said:
Even the Single Player has pretty bland looking environments. Characters and effects look great but nothing like E3 Trailer from last year. And some aspects of the game are even more downgraded in E3 2015 gameplay compared to VGX gameplay of last year, according to digital foundry. I wonder how it will look when actual game is finally out.
Smaller studios that are making games with Unreal Engine 4 are making better looking environments. UC4 definitely looks better than Xbox One games but it just looks close to any other current gen game. Nothing like what was shown last year and now MP is also sub 1080p.
And this is why i consider you a bitter lemming who hides on PC.
This is coming from the same hypocrite who stated Halo 5 last gen graphics was OK because 60FPS was king,and who claimed to lower settings on hes PC to get 60FS.
This game look mighty great,in fact the multiplayer spit and chew Halo 5 crappy ass last gen graphics while being 900p lock unlike Halo 5 which drops to 720p basically and has poor texture filtering,blury textures,low resolution alpha effects,crappy AA,pop in all over the place agressive LOD,30 FPS animations and look like Halo 3.
The reason why i call you on your bullshit is simple you defended Halo 5 sacrfices to the point of justifying its poor ass graphics,but here you are daring to say Uncharted has bland looking environments.?
@Cloud_imperium said:
Gameplay first.
@Cloud_imperium said:
I am saying Gameplay should always be prioritized. Better frame rates make gameplay more fluid and fun. Controls also feel a lot more responsive. Even on PC when I have to, I lower some of the settings to get higher frame rates. So, I think that it's good decision that they compromised resolution in some scenes for the sake of stable frame rates instead prioritizing graphics just to say "Oh look dem next gen graphics on dat next gen hardware" and forcing people to play the game at 24fps.
Look how freaking different your tone is when is PS4 vs how you are when the game in question is for xbox one.
Lets start by gameplay first,Halo has always had good gameplay and never was 60FPS hell halo CE and Halo 2 are higher rated than several big FPS on PC even without being 60FPS.
2.You admitting to lower graphic fidelity for frames,this is known as a trade off,and is something console developers are slam for by hermits i mean true hermits not the ones like you,a trade off is a trade off changing visual for quality isn't better than changing quality for visuals is the same crap and just because a game is 60FPS doesn't mean it will have good gameplay or would not SUCK.
3-Look how you say it is a GOOD decision that they compromized resolution in order to get 60FPS,problem was you could not read for shit,because Halo 5 sacrifices everything,from textures to models,to LOD to resolution to animation,it sacrifices so much that at times look like Halo 3 which wasn't good looking even by last gen standards.
Oh and Halo had drops into the 24 and 25 FPS area on 360 still gameplay was fine and the game got great scores.
Look at how you downplay the game for so call bland,look at the last sentence on your first paragraph which i bold,oh you wonder how the final game will look like when it comes out,because you claim it was downgraded so you care about visuals when the game is on PS4,when it is on xbox one you don't care and any sacrifice is ok.
Should i mention that the thread is based on the multiplayer which look great and is 60FPS.? Oh wait didn't you claim gameplay first 60FPS is king,how is it that you move to single player on a thread based about a multiplayer video of Uncharted 4 which is 60FPS.
Did you mention the online part being 60FPS as something good.? Did you claim the sacrifices made are ok in order to reach 60FPS.?
NO you just posted a picture of the reveal trailer to show some how it was downgraded claim things look bland and that you wonder how the final game you look implying further graphical tune down.
You are pathetic and i just destroyed your so call ""Hermit"" status you are nothing but a hypocrite lemming hiding on a hermit suit,you can cry all you want i have you quoted there not even once you downplayed Halo 5 pathetic graphics,and you even minimize the true level of the sacrifices done to achieve 60FPS,by naming just resolution when in fact is everything Halo 5 look like a last gen game on 60FPS.
You are a hypocrite don't talk about visuals you don't like those and you are ok with what ever garbage graphics are throw your way at long as it is 60FPS,which mean you should be justifying Uncharted 4 look online because it is 60FPS.
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