So how many ppl here still play world of warcraft? i used to play it cause a bunch of my friends played it and it was fun. However, i've come to the conclusion that it's just a waste of time. countless hours grinding for stuff, countless hours travelling to new locations, and lack of skill is what i think about it. you're skill depends on the level you're at. lvl 34>lvl33. so, the more u play, the more u earn. i dislike games like that.
I think WoW is amazing that it's been soo long that the game has been released and it is still alive with a new expansion pack coming out soon. apparently the whole landscape is going to change, and water will look better. oooooooh ahhhhhhhhhh.
big deal, ppl need to wake up to the real world called earth. i can't beleive ppl r still playing this fantasy sim world crap who have years of game time built up.
"that it's just a waste of time" That mostly depends if your having fun, 11 million or so people find it enjoyable.
"Countless hours of grinding stuff" Most MMO's are more grindy than say a regular game, but say for example in BC2 I had to "grind" my way through unlocking all the weapons or stuff as you put it. I guess you have to ask yourself did you have fun doing it? I enjoy WoW just as much as I enjoy BC2, the thing about WoW though is that there is TON more content.
"countless hours travelling to new locations" Hmm last time I checked, this was be a good thing. People love content.
"you're skill depends on the level you're at. lvl 34>lvl33. so, the more u play, the more u earn. i dislike games like that." Really? You must dislike 99% of the games out there. Including FPS games Racing games, Action/Adventure games because all these games play like this...the more you play, the more you earn. I'am pretty sure in Dragon Age, Oblivion, Star Wars KotOR level 34>33>32>31>30.
"ppl need to wake up to the real world called earth" Oh and do what? Play in the real world of REACH? Or maybe planet Sera of Gears of War? Or drive my Lambo like everyone else in the world?
Edit: added another point.
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