Poll Worst reboot franchise this gen? Tomb raider or Wolfenstien? (43 votes)
Hello friends,
In this thread we discuss about what is worst Reboot series happened this generation?
so my friends, i found both of series easily worst reboot this gen. Tomb Raider is uncharted wanna be with QTE, cinematics, terrible combat, see through walls and bad stealth mechanics. while i never like any TR game before but most TR fans prefer original games. infact latest tomb raider reboot game become so bad that square enix has to put it on rest.
wolfenstein on other hand become some of the worst FPS games ever this generation. i mean machinegames turn wolfenstein into one of my most hated franchise. as RTCW was amazing game of its time. the new one is coming this month and it looks like it will be worst FPS this year along with borderlands 3 imo.
so which reboot series you think is worse of 2? lets vote and discuss.
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