I would argue that both are needed: PC hardware sales push the technological curve because they demand better performance, while the open-ended nature allows for more creative game development; consoles keep the price of hardware reasonable by being a reliable source of income for hardware and game developers, while the "plug and play" demands of their demographic make sure game and hardware development remains streamlined.
Without consoles, I think hardware would be more expensive and games a lot more complex than needed; without PC, we'd be resting on our laurels a lot more than we currently are and things would be boring and stagnant.
I like to think of PC as the pioneer, braving the frontier and finding new resources and territory; while console gamers are the homesteaders, settling in that territory just behind the pioneers, making sure all that work and progress is put to good use by a lot of people. It's a good balance.
@onesiphorus said:
Would PC gamers admit that gaming is supposed to be a hobby, not a religion?
What's wrong with being passionate for one's hobby? You think PC gamers are bad? Go hang out with homebrewers. Oof.
Furthermore, don't console gamers deify too? Except they tend to deify individual titles they are brainwashed to believe in. They don't champion the big picture so much as the exclusives they are handed out. God of War? Their Jesus. Spider-man? Might as well be Vishnu. PC gaming is more like an agnostic "Hey man, it's all good, there's a higher power and as long as you don't bug me it's fine to believe what you want" but then along come the sycophantic console gamers going "THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD AND IT IS GOD OF WAR! PC HEATHENS WILL BURN!" and then PC gaming just dominates with rational thinking and facts like any good atheist and agnostic while consoles just go "Bu-bu-but exclusives are everything!"
With that said, I guess some of the confusion you are experiencing about being casual or "religious" about hobbies stems from the fact that console gaming is generally a "passive" hobby in that you go out, buy a pre-made machine with one or two variations, and then you play what games you are told to play.
Console gaming is not so much a hobby as it is "something you do". Is watching TV a hobby? Is reading magazines a hobby? No, it's just something you do to entertain yourself. Same with console gaming.
PC gaming, however, is a hobby in that it requires a certain amount of knowledge, skill, and passion. You often need to know a fair amount about hardware before buying or building a PC. You need to be passionate because it demands a certain amount of time and resources to do it. And you need to research and stay current because there are tons of games in a multitude of genres coming out every month and it's easy to get overwhelmed. This is why you will see more PC gamers are often "specialized" and stick to specific genres for the most part, while console gamers seem to play whatever is popular or marketed heavily.
@nepu7supastar7 said:
...garbage indie games.
I will never understand the hate independently published games receive. It's like they killed every other person's dog and screwed their mom. It's irrational.
I am struggling to finish Horizon: Zero Dawn, and yet I find myself on my 300th+ hour of Factorio. I couldn't be bothered to finish Far Cry: New Dawn because *yawn*, and yet I happily spend hours in Elite: Dangerous just for a few minutes of jaw-dropping exploration. And while I am enjoying God of War, I find myself pulled away from the alleged "best game of all time" for break-through hits like Dead Cells, Into the Breach, and many others.
*shrug* but hey, that's just me. And millions of other people.
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