I know it has been more 1/2 year since MEA launch but I am still saddened by what could have been a GOTY contender but instead we got a monumental flop. I am sure the game looks okay in some planets especially Kadara however the game just didn't have that living and breathing feel like the original trilogy. The world felt barren and the crew members simply wern't interesting enough. And to make matters worse, all thanks to the SJW feminists who can't stand the sight of a woman more beautiful than them (not that difficult to be honest), we're left with butt ugly things like Cora Harper whom from some angles I can't tell whether shes a male or female.
Of course, that is not to say the game didn't have their good moments. Firstly I greatly enjoyed the combat. Plenty of fun to be had there. Kadara was an amazing planet and some of the sidequests were done quite well. But...Would it have been to much to ask for:
1. Mesmerizing universe like Mass Effect 1,2,3
2. Interesting and likeable characters
3. A decent looking female romance option
P.S. I forgot to mention, even after you establish an outpost, you can't even watch it grow into proper infrastructure, I mean how lazy could they be?
P.P.S I played a male Ryder and that scene where you talk to Reyes while enjoying a drink in Kadara, seriously it felt like Bioware was deliberately shoving a gay romance scene down my throat. I felt a bit uncomfortable.
They may as well have called the game Mass Social Justice Warrior Issues Simulation Effect
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