As the consoles get cooler and more awesomer, yes awesomer, they also come at a higher price. Let's face it, gaming is very expensive. If you invest in a lot of games, then you need to invest in the hardware.
As I sit here waiting for my Halo 360 to return from it's Unplayable Disc failer, I'm playing my Dreamcast, Saturn, PS2, Xbox, Wii, but I wish I could have had those games on my HD.
The consoles wouldn't need to run as hot, and we could actually here our games instead of some distractingly loud disc drive! It would also make our investments last longer, and I wouldn't mind having multiple 200gig HD's lying around.
When I finally buy that MGS4 PS3 for $500, I'll be dreading the day it decides to die. My faith in Sony is understandably shaken, because I'm on PS2 #3, and now that I'm on Xbox 360 #5 out of 2 my faith in Microsoft is totally lost.
I laugh, because I'm still able to play my Dreamcast and Sega Saturn, but don't have my Halo Edition 360, which only lasted about 7 months.:| I guess I shouldn't complain to much, because it gave me the chance to relive some oldies, but goodies.
My problem seems to be that I want the best of both worlds. As much as I want downloads, because of my recent troubles, I'm also the guy that wants to collect the packaged goods such as DVD's, Blue-ray's, Game Disc's, and my favorite Bands, because there's nothing better than that new game smell. Try smelling a download only game.:(
My main problem is that I buy a ton of games, and pretty much collect them. My 360 library is already at 34, so when the 360 goes, so goes about $2,000 worth of games. If downloads aren't the future, then it would be nice to atleast have the option.
What happens in 10-15 years when that laser dies again? Hopefully I won't have to worry about it.;)
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