Let me point out to you all something very clear here : Heavenly Sword isn't the first of its kind to score that decently despite its gameplay length. There are quite a couple of games I can call off the top of my head that were of short duration in gameplay, even on first play-throughs. Nonetheless, they scored impressive marks on GS and other gaming websites because of their other features (whether it be the story, the music, the characters, etc.).
I'm sure many people like me who have fully played to the end Shadow Of The Colossus and ICO would more or less agree to the scores GS has given them (8.7, 8.5, respectively) although I would personally place them somewhere around 8.9 and 9.0. Those games are great projects despite their short duration (SotC takes approx. 10 hours for first-timers) and ICO is even shorter (around 4.5 hours if you're a thinker, lol).
Face it people : not everyone here want games that can last a couple months (Oblivion, FFXII). I have borrowed SotC from a friend and beat it in no less than 10 hours. That didn't stop me from buying my own copy a couple months later, simply because it is too good to put aside from my PS2 collection.
In other words, if a 4-7 hour game like ICO can score a clean 8.5, what would prevent a 7 hour game that was hyped about (solid previews from various gamer websites) from scoring at *the very least *an 8.0?
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