It's highest rated game is a Wiimake, and then after that you've got a slew of next gen installments of decades old franchises or retro games.
Where's the innovation?
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Well let me ask you this, if they kept making Halo games or your favorite game with improvements, would you care whether they've been around for years or not? Besides, Nintendo's working on new IPs probably scheduled for 08 and then you've got the ips from last gen (batallion wars, pikmin, AC etc.)It's highest rated game is a Wiimake, and then after that you've got a slew of next gen installments of decades old franchises or retro games.
Where's the innovation?
Well you got Wii Sports are the number one selling Wii title in Japan where it was not bundled with the system. Had it not been bundled with the Wii here, I'm sure it would have sold just as much. Robio_basic
Yup, the innovation happened with Wii Sports and this is selling the console. Why else do people think that the Wii is outselling the other consoles?
After Pikmin, Nintendo didn't really do much original IPs, they're dead set on milking all their original franchises, but since they make good games anyways, who cares?immortality20
They're making new IPs all the time. This misconception about them not making new IPs is bogus. This gen they're working on Disaster: Day of Crisis. They also had Project HAMMER before it was canceled. I bet Nintendo has other teams working on new IPs as we speak.
[QUOTE="Robio_basic"]Well you got Wii Sports are the number one selling Wii title in Japan where it was not bundled with the system. Had it not been bundled with the Wii here, I'm sure it would have sold just as much. Zhengi
Yup, the innovation happened with Wii Sports and this is selling the console. Why else do people think that the Wii is outselling the other consoles?
Price and novelty.
Wiisports: 7.8...not exactly an earthshattering, groundbreaking game that took the world over.
After Pikmin, Nintendo didn't really do much original IPs, they're dead set on milking all their original franchises, but since they make good games anyways, who cares?immortality20
There is so much demand for the old IPs. There still IPs that Nintendo has not used in awhile that people are begging for.
[QUOTE="Zhengi"][QUOTE="Robio_basic"]Well you got Wii Sports are the number one selling Wii title in Japan where it was not bundled with the system. Had it not been bundled with the Wii here, I'm sure it would have sold just as much. shsonline
Yup, the innovation happened with Wii Sports and this is selling the console. Why else do people think that the Wii is outselling the other consoles?
Price and novelty.
Wiisports: 7.8...not exactly an earthshattering, groundbreaking game that took the world over.
Could have fooled me. Japan seems to be loving the game and bought almost 2 million copies. The rest of the world seems to be buying the console for the game, so I would call Wii Sports a groundbreaking game that is taking over the world. And scores are not representative of the impact of how a game does in the real world.
After Pikmin, Nintendo didn't really do much original IPs, they're dead set on milking all their original franchises, but since they make good games anyways, who cares?immortality20Y'know, except for Battalion Wars, Chibi Robo, Geist, Eternal Darkness, Elite Beat Agents, WarioWare, and the American debuts of the Advance Wars and Fire Emblem franchises, and a total reimagining of the Metroid franchise with Metroid Prime. But, y'know, besides all that, they're CLEARLY set on milking the same franchises over and over.
It's highest rated game is a Wiimake, and then after that you've got a slew of next gen installments of decades old franchises or retro games.
Where's the innovation?
Say it with me. "Motion Controls". I'm pretty sure that changing the interaction from player to game to be infinitely more immersive is pretty innovative. Also, they've been the company to set the standard in controllers for 20 years. (atari to NES, shoulder buttons on the SNES, analog on the N64, now this!).
[QUOTE="shsonline"]It's highest rated game is a Wiimake, and then after that you've got a slew of next gen installments of decades old franchises or retro games.
Where's the innovation?
Say it with me. "Motion Controls". I'm pretty sure that changing the interaction from player to game to be infinitely more immersive is pretty innovative. Also, they've been the company to set the standard in controllers for 20 years. (atari to NES, shoulder buttons on the SNES, analog on the N64, now this!).
Except the games aren't better because of that innovation. Wii still has some of the worst games this gen as well as poor versions of games that were good on other systems (ie NBA Live, Splinter Cell, Far Cry,Tiger Woods golf, etc. etc.)
[QUOTE="Zhengi"][QUOTE="Robio_basic"]Well you got Wii Sports are the number one selling Wii title in Japan where it was not bundled with the system. Had it not been bundled with the Wii here, I'm sure it would have sold just as much. shsonline
Yup, the innovation happened with Wii Sports and this is selling the console. Why else do people think that the Wii is outselling the other consoles?
Price and novelty.
Wiisports: 7.8...not exactly an earthshattering, groundbreaking game that took the world over.
It is though. It is the number one reason that the Wii is selling better than the competition.
[QUOTE="Zhengi"][QUOTE="Robio_basic"]Well you got Wii Sports are the number one selling Wii title in Japan where it was not bundled with the system. Had it not been bundled with the Wii here, I'm sure it would have sold just as much. shsonline
Yup, the innovation happened with Wii Sports and this is selling the console. Why else do people think that the Wii is outselling the other consoles?
Price and novelty.
Wiisports: 7.8...not exactly an earthshattering, groundbreaking game that took the world over.
So, it's not earth-shattering because GS gave it a 7.8? :| For the love of God, please open your mind.So with the overly large list it seems to be touting. Who was the last ip that Microsoft made? How about Sony?
How can you compare a developer of a system who is hugely active in their apps to firms thatdo little to no first party development? Nintendo is bringing out new ip's but they have a dozen icons. It takesa lot introduce new series and often at the cost of your established franchise. It's like saying "hey that guy is only juggling 30 golf balls! What noob! He can't juggle31!"
Lets see there is
Brain age
Big brain academy
project hammer
wii sports (and the entire line of wii sports type games)
chichi robo
and others
Now in the case of nintendogs and brain age they sold millions (nindogs sold 14 million) if they are not blockbusters what is?
[QUOTE="effthat"][QUOTE="shsonline"]It's highest rated game is a Wiimake, and then after that you've got a slew of next gen installments of decades old franchises or retro games.
Where's the innovation?
Say it with me. "Motion Controls". I'm pretty sure that changing the interaction from player to game to be infinitely more immersive is pretty innovative. Also, they've been the company to set the standard in controllers for 20 years. (atari to NES, shoulder buttons on the SNES, analog on the N64, now this!).
Except the games aren't better because of that innovation. Wii still has some of the worst games this gen as well as poor versions of games that were good on other systems (ie NBA Live, Splinter Cell, Far Cry,Tiger Woods golf, etc. etc.)
Aren't better for people who are used to playing with a regular controller maybe. If I had to score games, the PC would be way out on top, the Wii would be middle of the road, and the majority of PS3 and 360 games would score low because I HATE regular console controllers for anything other than fighting games.
As has been mentioned, Nintendo is making new IPs, but that is ultimately irrelevant. All a new IP really boils down to is a set of new trademarks, particularly fictional characters, events and settings, which often end up being derivative anyway. It does not guarantee anything original as far as gameplay goes.
Nintendo's old IPs have not only improved on and reinvented gameplay over the decades, but have gone so far as to transcend multiple formats and genres, whereas other dev's familiar genres and formats have simply transcended new IPs (generic FPS's instantly come to mind).
Also, how convenient that most of MS and Sony's trademark IPs have only been around for 1-3 generations. Assuming they're still around in 5-10 years, they'll likely be just as "guilty" of milking their old cash cows as Nintendo. If not, then we'll probably just see hordes of revamped clones who've been given new name and faces just for the sake of doing so. I much prefer the former strategy.
As if the 360 or the PS3 and its games are in any way innovative.XaosII
I won't argue innovation because that's mostly a matter of opinion, but ps3 and 360 have done a much better job in creating new IPs for next gen way beyond Wii.
360 - dead rising, GeOW, Saints row
ps3 - Resistance, Motorstorm, warhawk, heavenly sword
the wii has wii sports, and red steel, but that hardly makes up for the fact there's hardly anything else decent that is a new IP. Really when you look at the old IPs there's really nothing new besides the controls. LOZ:TP, and MP3 were a bit too familar for my tastes. I hope ssbb and SMG will be innovative but w/ what nintendo has already done I feel I'm going to be playing Mario 64, and SSBM just with a new levels, characters, and controls.
[QUOTE="effthat"][QUOTE="shsonline"]It's highest rated game is a Wiimake, and then after that you've got a slew of next gen installments of decades old franchises or retro games.
Where's the innovation?
Say it with me. "Motion Controls". I'm pretty sure that changing the interaction from player to game to be infinitely more immersive is pretty innovative. Also, they've been the company to set the standard in controllers for 20 years. (atari to NES, shoulder buttons on the SNES, analog on the N64, now this!).
Except the games aren't better because of that innovation. Wii still has some of the worst games this gen as well as poor versions of games that were good on other systems (ie NBA Live, Splinter Cell, Far Cry,Tiger Woods golf, etc. etc.)
Metroid Prime 3 was amazing! Madden '07 gets a much needed revamp on the system! RE4 (a game thats getting it's 4th makeover and only in the control area) is a powerhouse on the system! Scarface, Godfather, and Manhunt bring interactive violence so close to the homes of many that whole countries are up in arms! This doesn't include future developments from the long list of 3rd parties putting their hats in the ring. Zack and Wiki spearheads a rebirth of point and click adventures with increased interaction! Excite truck puts the player in the drivers side without a $100 attachment that only works for 1 or 2 games. RTS has been a flop on traditional console controllers (starcraft 64) but when you put them on the Wii they work nearly perfectly (Civilization)!
And this doesn't even bring up the innovativeness of handhelds with the stylus! Get your facts straight young man!
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