Well, who'd a thunk it?
A Zelda where the world has animals and wildlife to be captured or hunted, or just seen to give a bit of life beyond sterile grasslands and 2 monsters per area?
A Zelda where Link can climb branches and walls, cut down trees, set fire to bushes, roll boulders down hills to kill enemies and craft potions (at least)?
A Zelda that actually looks as open as Zelda 1, LttP, Ocarina and Windwaker were (considering the hardware limitations of their times), rather than the small sterile worlds of the Wii pair?
A Zelda where there appear to be gameplay changing weather effects?
This is EXACTLY what I wanted, props to Nintendo for (seemingly!) abandoning that done-to-death sterile old N64 formula/world/systems and actually catching up with what the rest of the gaming world has been doing the past decade.
Lol, bet all the SW folks who kept telling me I was stupid to want that stuff will be crowing from the rafters about how great it is now, heh. My favourite was when I asked for Far Cry's fire/foliage system (AND NOW HAVE!!!) and was dismissed as wanting Zelda to be an FPS, lol.
In summary, **** yes, Zelda looks like a modern goddam videogame again and not an N64 remake, praise Yahweh!
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