Wait.....GUFU are stil around????
damn, its been like 4 years now.
GUFU is in Peaceful mode right now, wait til next-gen, War mode will be activated again.
Nice, I still remember around late 05 and 2006 ( i think), this place was pretty much run by GUFU. Make a thread calling them out, 100 pages in a minute.
quick question, if a person is a fanboy and in GUFU, what happens?
He/She either.
- get a ban hammer from the mods.
- no longer is GUFU worthy, removed ASAP from the union.
The first penalty is a joke btw :P
But before we judge, we run some tests :
- Lie detector test.
- Fanboy detector test.
- Virginity detector test.
if the person passes all tests, this person would be GUFU worthy.
We are so elite and so serious when it comes to these tests.
EDIT: Take all of that to a mountain of grain salt, the real consequences are classified.
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