Just curious andfelt like picking a fight... Do you think your particular online network is better than the other guys? Why?
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Just curious andfelt like picking a fight... Do you think your particular online network is better than the other guys? Why?
if you want online go for pc. i dont get why console fans are so obessed with online. there going on some online gaming spree. console gaming was never about this. now all u guys let companys get away with making shot games cus it has online. gears 8 hours "oh its okay its got online" what ever happen to first player?deadmeat59
well the XBL has a unified service; meaning you don't have to worry about downloading mutltiple programs just to talk to someone. and almost everyone with XBL has a headset because they come with the 360. I also think the community is better. Most of my friends and my brother only care for online, i dunno why really. As for me, i care more about single player but sometimes i want to play multiplayer.
i found the downloads to take longer on the psn. i have no complaints for ps3 exclusive online games, but found problems with some of the 3rd party games such as fight night round 3.
have no problems with xbl unless i join foreign games sometimes late at night for some games. i usually just check my ping bar rather than searching quick games. downloads on xbl are much faster than psn.
[QUOTE="TheDarkDisciple"]anyone who says XBL is laggy obviously hasn't used it enough, if at all.anshul89
I guess Team Xbox should stick to writing articles for the ps3 only.
ah, yes that old article. Ok so the only game that they list, GeOW (the only one that i can think of that i've ever expierienced lag tbh), has lag sometimes. yeah it does, but did you know you can see the connection of the host? meaning you can tell if there's going to be lag or not.
[QUOTE="anshul89"][QUOTE="TheDarkDisciple"]anyone who says XBL is laggy obviously hasn't used it enough, if at all.TheDarkDisciple
I guess Team Xbox should stick to writing articles for the ps3 only.
ah, yes that old article. Ok so the only game that they list, GeOW (the only one that i can think of that i've ever expierienced lag tbh), has lag sometimes. yeah it does, but did you know you can see the connection of the host? meaning you can tell if there's going to be lag or not.
The only game you have experience lag was Gears wth are you talking about. Your playing p2p there is always lag on p2p. Have you played team fortress 2 unplayable even after the patch, The Darkness unplayable I could go on but hopefully you get the point. Just cause you like live doesn't mean there isn't lag there is more then there should be for 50 bucks a year.Compared to the PS3's online, XBL can be laggy. However, online in general, XBL takes the cake due to its features.
xbl never lags. updates take a couple seconds to download ans game and demo downloads are fast and when playing online it never lags.shoeman12
That's impossible. Halo 3 lags like crazy during 16 player matches and ALL games have lag, even the PS3 games. Although,PS3 onlinedoesn't lag as much compared to XBL in terms of online gaming. Everything else, you have a point.
[QUOTE="TheDarkDisciple"][QUOTE="anshul89"][QUOTE="TheDarkDisciple"]anyone who says XBL is laggy obviously hasn't used it enough, if at all.H3llstrike
I guess Team Xbox should stick to writing articles for the ps3 only.
ah, yes that old article. Ok so the only game that they list, GeOW (the only one that i can think of that i've ever expierienced lag tbh), has lag sometimes. yeah it does, but did you know you can see the connection of the host? meaning you can tell if there's going to be lag or not.
The only game you have experience lag was Gears wth are you talking about. Your playing p2p there is always lag on p2p. Have you played team fortress 2 unplayable even after the patch, The Darkness unplayable I could go on but hopefully you get the point. Just cause you like live doesn't mean there isn't lag there is more then there should be for 50 bucks a year.i haven't lagged in TF2 since before the patch so idk what you're talking about and i haven't even played The Darkness online nor do i care to. Maybe it's your connection? Because i've played Halo 3 and a few times i would see some laggy people, but it didn't affect me or anyone else in the game.
I don't know much about XBL, but PSN has blazing fast download speeds and I've never experienced any lag whatsoever. None.osirisomeomi
I own a 360 (anda Megadrive!) and share a house with someone who's got a PS3 and have found that his download speeds are a lot slower than mine - for instance, downloaded the NFS demo recently - it took me about ten minutes but took him over half an hour. That may have something to do with the fact he was connected over Wifi and mine by ethernet cable but that shouldn't make much difference. I do like the PS3 though, have enjoyed R+C - got to the spacestation level but got annoyed by those robots with the lasers coming out of them at 45 degrees, so couldn't be bothered anymore!
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