There is a lot of discussions about 360 games being multiplatform over onto a PC and such. Well the truth of the matter is, the PC is a Microsoft platform, as long as you are running windows XP, windows Vista or anything else with the Microsoft logo involved. The only way a 360 game that's on a PC is considered 'not exclusive' is if the game works on MacOS and/or Linux. If the games only runs on Microsoft's OS then it is a Microsoft exclusive still. If a game comes out on PS2 and PS3, but not any other consoles, it is still a Sony exclusive. If a game comes out on 360 or PC is it still a Microsoft exclusive. That is just plain and simple fact. You can argue that the hardware is different between a pc and 360 all you want, but in reality the term "exclusive" thrown around in SW forums so much really is company specific and not hardware specific. If you claim it IS hardware specific, then you need to separate consoles into their "elite, pro, arcade" and "40gb, 60gb, and 80gb" models since they use different models of motherboards and hard drives. If that's true, then NO games are exclusive. But it's not, exclusive to Microsoft means PC and 360.
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