Here is the current battle between the Xbox 360 and PS3 in terms of number of games scoring a collective 75 or higher on Metacritic. (green rating) (PS3 number of games in bold)
2009: 82 v. 74
2008: 69 v. 78
2007: 69 v. 46
2006:13v. 47
2005: 20
Here is my count of the exclusives coming out for each platform. Guaranteed is a guaranteed release in 2010 and exclusive title. Probable is a likely release in 2010 and a likely exclusive. Unlikely is a potential 2010 title and potential exclusive. All games listed have an assumed position of scoring in the 75 or higher range on Metacritic. (PS3 list in bold)
Mass Effect 2
Splinter Cell: Conviction
Alan Wake
Crackdown 2
Molyfail game
Rare game
Halo: Reach
Zeno Clash
Heavy Rain
God of War 3
Gran Turismo 5
3D Dot Game Heroes
Modnation Racers
Naughty Dog/Insomniac/Sucker Punch/Guerrilla/Lightbox game
MLB 10
Second Rare or Molyfail Game
Metro 2033
Mistwalker game
Valve/Epic/Bethesda-iD game (Read: Prey 2)
Tropico 3
Random JRPG from Namco-Bandai/Square Enix
Kingdom Under Fire 2
Zeno Clash II
Project Gotham Racing Sequel
The Last Guardian
Twisted Metal
White Knight Chronicles
One Sony Online Entertainment game (Agency/Sucker realms/DC universe online)
Motorstorm 3 or similar game from same developer
FlOwer sequel or similar game from same developer
Pixeljunk game
Ex Team Ninja douchette Itagaki game
Halo Wars 2 or similar game from same developer
Rockstar Exclusive
All Points Bulletin
Exclusive Harmonix game
Second or third Molyfail or Rare game (bringing the total up to four)
Second Valve/Epic/Bethesda-iD game
Ninety Nine Nights 2
Eight Days/Getaway 3/SCEE exclusive
Second SOE game
Second ND/Insomniac/SP/GG/Lightbox game
WarDevil: Unleash the Beast Within
Zone of the Enders 3
Yakuza whatever
Final Fantasy versus XIII
Final Fantasy XIV
Kingdom Hearts 3
Atlus Exclusive
Exclusive from a PSP developer (Studio Cambridge, Sony Bend)
My count:
PS3 guaranteed exclusives: 8
X360 guaranteed exclusives: 8
PS3 likely exclusives: 9
X360 likely exclusives: 9
PS3 unlikely exclusives: 11
360 unlikely exclusives: 10
Eyepet/Singstar/Lips/NBA 10 purposefully left out.
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