hmmm baring most of us misunderstanding what you there is no difference both systems have dedicated server games as the minority, and both systems have client server games as the majority.
If you have lag the majority of the time on client server games you'll have the same on the other system.
360 has no website browser ps3 does, the ps3 browser is somewhat slow and doesn't support alot of sites that I frequent so I don't use it much at all, My personal experience in every thing outside web browsing on the net is that the 360 is faster, Psn downloads of games, *qore pulse* updates are very slow, I never knew the ps3 had a speed test but it does and it says I have a 14Mbps download and 3Mbps upload yet it took nearly 4 hours to download a 1 gig qore episode it takes me far less time to download a 1 gig file on my laptop.
but yeah no difference in games, web browsing cannot be compared and the downloading of games, updates and such are slow compared thats something Sony needs to work on, they need to follow nintendos example...I remember when the Wii first came out how slow downloads of software, and games were now its insanely fast.
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