I mean just going on the xbox live after beating Alan wake, you get all these videos on xbox live, one of them was showing you how to get 5 achievements in alan wake, very detailed and helpful to say the least
then you got your DLC code, instead of the DLC (have to wait for)i get a full 1080p video with a interview with 2 guys from remedy, sam lake and errr.. i cant remember nvm
When 360 came out, for a console, Xbox live was pretty amazing, Achievements/party chat etc
its only gotten better with all these Planned MW2/ODST partys, exclusive DLC, Avatars, gameroom, nearly everybody has a mic now, its very social thats for sure
then when i buy Uncharted 2....
there really is nothing on PSN outside of ingame online play and clans,except for the PSstore
Really PSN offers nothing Like Xbox live, no one cares about trophies, there is no exclusive DLC, no planed gaming partys, no ign Videos... its pretty quiet and antisocial and people having no Mics and no cross game voice chat doesnt help, Xbox live is just all around so much better and friendly to use, better then steam aswell imo.
PS3 Hardware> 360 Hardware
360 Software>>>>>>>>>> PS3 software
Fail thread locked, so MLD's account got banned eh?, anyone know what happened to his youtube account? just message me, elpresador would find it funny if he left youtube
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