rofl, this is a pretty big deal. You guys might call people idoits but this is ownage I think.
What happened to the "X360 is powerful enough.....look it can handle Oblivoin just fine". People say how ridiculous Sony was for making Blu-Ray and having a harddrive.......yet now we are seeing signs that it might not have been such a bad move after all. Now that it's proven YOU CAN'T just rely on that, I wonder what this means for future games. Why MS is still selling the core is beyond me at this point. Pretty soon all the good games will require what it doesn't even have.
Assuming of course that this report is true....for all we know it's cow propaganda (tin foil hat is on) since this looks a little fishy.
This isn't ownage at all. Most lems have said for a very long time that not only was ever having a Core version w/ no HD completely stupid on MS' part, but that developers would/could/will eventually start to require an HD add-on for certain games after a certain amount of time had passed since launch. And lo and behold...
Why is this a big deal? A 360 owner who has no storage probably isn't the type that would dig a relatively hardcore game like Call of Duty 4, anyway. And if he wants to play it, then he'll get the HD. If he doesn't, sucks for him. I will say that Microsoft should probably start phasing out the Core version right about now, though.
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