Crazy how things hav changed in the past year. PS3 went from being the underdog to gaining all the momentum. Just last year you had tons of people saying how the PS3 is a failure, will this be Sony's last console, etc... Now the tables have turned and PS3 went from having no AAAE games to one of the best if not the best gaming lineups of this generation.
PS3 has been slowly gainging ground on the Xbox 360. First it was Blu Rays Victory. Then there was the highly acclaimed release of Metal Gear Solid 4 which was released in June which is on it's way to the 5 million mark. Then there came LittleBigPlanet and now here we are with Resistance 2. Sony gave us in game XMB, trophies and will soon launch Home next month. PS3 has continued to outsell the Xbox 360 on a monthly basis throughout this entire year. We got new game announcements in Demon's Soul and Quantum Theory.
PS3 has been having an amazing year 360 not so much. Microsoft had to announce not one but TWO price drops this year just to keep the 360 on life support. Microsoft Game Studios also Bungie and Bioware leaving their first and second party studios very thin. They have also announced they will also shut down Ensemble Studios next year. Sony continues to grow and exspand on the market. Now that the two are basically on the same playing field it seems people counted their chickens before they hatched. PS3 is the future.With GT 5, Heavy Rain, and God of War on the rise now is a great time to be a PS3 gamer. :D
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