Ok, with that rather special TGS announcement out of the way, the remainder of 2007 for MS on Xbox 360 is looking especially rosy. There is something for everyone, and some true quality coming out.
Halo 3.
The obvious choice. The highest selling franchise to come from Xbox so far, this is the first title to head to Xbox 360. It closes the Halo trilogy and has already pre-sold over a million copies before it reaches retail. An open beta was available earlier this year which had most gamers fragging with glee.
Mass Effect.
The first game from Bioware in some time, this is from the same developers and writers of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire. Looks stunning, rich in detail and has previews calling it a must own. This is a very big title for the Xbox 360, and it is only on Xbox 360.
Project Gotham Racing 4.
That "other" racing series for Xbox, PGR4 is PGR3 with so much more. Given more time to develop the game rather than rush for launch, PGR4 is bursting with new features, and in a first, motorbike racing. Add in weather effects, 10 cities rather than 4 cities, a new team based play which looks incredible, and more - and PGR 4 is destined to be big.
Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation.
An exclusive flight combat title, and one which is much trumpeted by smooth and very beautiful graphics. Add in solid control and combat, and an amazing flight joystick optional pack in and this is shaping up to be the premier flight combat title.
Scene It? Lights, Camera, Action.
Seems to take the popular Buzz! formula from the PS2 and does something better with it. Comes with 4 wireless triva controllers and over 1800 questions to play. Something new for the Xbox brand, and one that should help push the console to a more mainstream audience.
Viva Pinata: Party Animals.
A new party game from Krome, who created the Ty The Tasmanian Tiger series and are currently working on a new Hellboy game. Looks like great fun, has had decent previews, and looks to be a solid title for almost any gamer to enjoy. 50 mini games, races, online play and up to 4 players at a time. Should be great fun.
Moto GP 07.
Surprised? That's right, this title is only on 360. If the motorcycle racing of PGR4 doesn't grab you, than this game should. Featuring all that's popular about the Moto Gp titles, only this one has been honed far more than you would believe. A solid title for Xbox 360 owners.
Naruto: Rise of a Ninja.
It's an action game, a platformer, and a fighting game, and the fighting game is so good it could be seperate and still sell. Naruto: Rise of a Ninja is being made byt he Splinter Cell team and they've done a fantastic job translating the game to the Xbox 360. A solid title for any gamer, and 360 exclusive.
Eternal Sonata.
Good enough for a package deal with Japan's Xbox 360, and with a demo which had a lot of gamer's playing happily, this is a surprise Xbox 360 exclusive from the people behind Namco's Tales series. Features sumptious drawn graphics and rock solid RPG gameplay. One too look out for.
Kengo: Legend of the 9.
Another interesting title which is only Xbox 360 bound this November. Looks and plays a lot like Tenchu Z, which may or may not be a good thing, depending on your tastes. Still, it looks fun, and should be something different for Xbox 360 owners to check out.
F.E.A.R Files.
Technically not a new game, as it is a compilation of F.E.A.R's Perseus Mandate and Extraction Point add on campaigns, though this compilation isn't coming to any other platform. This compilation has been specifically designed for Xbox 360, and looks like a great game for those that enjoyed F.E.A.R originally.
That is just what is coming to Xbox 360 and only Xbox 360 by the end of the year alone. When I first looked this up, I thought only of Halo 3 and Mass Effect, which while good enough in their own right, are bolstered by a great many other titles.
The goodness continues into next year as well, with titles like Banjo Kazooie, Fable 2, the recently announced Ninja Gaiden 2 and the stunning looking Lost Odyssey.
Really, if you're a gamer, there's got to be a title on here that interests you.
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