with all this talk about the next generation consoles and what point will tey release, i think SW should blindly speculate what they will be and whivh one will turn out the best. i see many people on these boards thinking that MS and sony are going to pull a Wii and make a casual underpowered console. i don't see that happening. i think the Wii2 will be comporable in power to 360/PS3 or maybe a little faster, with a heavily updated motion sensing control, voice activation, and head tracking. As for the Next Xbox and Playstation i see MS using an Intel cpu and an ATI gpu, and i think Sony is working on a heavily upgraded Cell2. i figure MS to go with an Octo-core @5.5ghz, and i will assume sony to use 3 cell chips each with 8 spe's @6.0ghz. MS will most likekly go with a quad crossfire gpu design(thinks 4 top line gpu's together), and i expext the same for sony. all three consoles will have blu-ray drives, some form of voice activation, and touchscreen on controller.
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