The 360 Premium package comes standard with headset and because of this the vast majority of Live players are voice-enabled. This feature is invaluable in certain games (GRAW, Gears, Halo,) in fact it is in most games I'd say. It makes it far easier to strategize and talking with cool people makes games more entertaining as a general rule. I hear that the PS3 is voice-enabled yet because no package comes with a mic so the vast majority of people using PSN aren't voice-enabled. Pretty lame.... but at least they don't have to deal with the kind of nuts like the kid in the link below.
That being said, muting individual players is much, much too difficult as it stands now. Anyone who has played Live for any length of time will tell you that anonymity coupled with a jackass wearing a headset is a recipe for a headache. Games need to start implementing easy-to-access mute buttons, I hear Halo 3 is planning to do this somehow.... why games aren't making this a standard feature now is beyond me. The Premium PS3 package should start including a mic as well, once you're used to the ability to communicate easily with your team it's hard to revert back to almost complete silence.... then again at least silence covers these types of idiots:
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