Xbox Live users generally are meatheads who believe they use the only good online service out there. The average XBL user will probably openly admit to you he doesn't play anything but his Xbox, but he'll somehow seem to know that the PS3 sucks and that PC online gaming is a league below XBL.
XBL's price isn't really a biggie. 4 bucks a month isn't something to whine too much about.
But do I really need half the stuff it offers? Not really. I don't really feel too compelled to venture into the Marketplace to buy TV shows... I'd rather just play a great game online. The games are really what makes an online service like XBL worth it or not.
I doubt the PS3's online service is too much different from XBL where it really matters. If an awesome online game came out for the PS3 and the 360 (with same graphics, etc), the 360 version might only be slightly better because of having more people with headsets. This would be a big thing, but the voice quality on XBL since the 360 came out sucks. I can clearly remember voice quality being better playing Halo2. There's also the fact that most XBL users are pretty much idiots; not that PS3 online users wouldn't be, but it's definitely true that I very rarely meet somebody who I feel remotely compelled to send a friend request to.
And, as of now, the only really good game for XBL is GeOW. The online portion is really only OK due to it's lack of features, annoying weapons (nobody can say they just looove the Hammer of Dawn), and massive host advantage. I'll openly admit I got the 360 only being sure that Halo3 was going to be awesome. And I'm sure it will be. Just knowing that Halo2 took advantage of XBL far more than any 360 game out yet is assurance that Halo3 will be the next game worth having an Xbox+Live for.Â
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