Before I say my peace, NO, Lemmings, I am not disrespecting your console, nor am I bashing XBOX LIVE. I am merely stating my opinion.
I have friends that own 360s, and they constantly badger me to play. I do not want to pay for online. 50 bucks a year/ 8.65 per month on top of an internet service provider bill does not bode in my book.Sony is releasing a paid subscription plan, to which I will not jump on board either. One benefit, however, is that they will keep the free PSN online service that every Cow on this thread loves.
Now I present the following target of my topic and the one thing that prevents me from ever considering or picking up a 360: XBOX LIVE silver. It is, above all things, a joke...and by joke I mean the design and concept of it's predications. True I can chat with friends and all with it. I can do cross game chat, and I can listen to my music whilst playing, but here's the thing: I can't play online unless Microsoft "wills it". Whenever they "will it" is nearly never, and at times when it is inconvenient. It also is inconvenient to know that when my friends (who have gold accounts) want me to play an xyz game, I can't play with them in not only the Microsoft Silver time laws, but also because some of their features (party chat) needs gold account service.
Now this is what I hope happens in the future:
I can live without party chat (I don't need it), but I would like Silver to have free access to online just like Gold does on a regular basis. Microsoft can even sweeten up gold by offering faster DL speeds and more content, and slow everything for Silver, but still it would be nice to have free online to be played not based on a companies whim but by a gamer's whim.
What say you, SW?
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