Why did xbox lose?
A: Xbox was aimed at american/english speaking audiences. They have sold about 15% of what they have sold in the USA world wide. For example, Japan.. also known as the biggest gaming market, where the Xbox failed thus far at 400k systems.
Even with a price drop, it wont sell. Because it's not targetting a world audiences. Why do you think its sold 80-85% of its hardware in the USA? other places where its doing averagely is in the UK and in 1-2 more english speaking countries. And let's face it, the price drop in the USA won't help it much. As most gamers who wanted to pay around $250 went with a wii instead. A bit too late now microsoft. But its ok, you'll still sell more as time progresses. Just not enough for 2nd place.
The current 3rd place holder.. aka Play Station 3:
The blu ray was too ambitious. Most gamers aren't rich. They are like my self, who can barely pay rent and food etc. This is why sony failed. Too pricey. I don't have a use for a "blu ray". I like my DVD collection of movies. And i wont be deleting them for something new in the coming years. Maybe in 5-10 years when the current "new" technology is very cheap.
Why will sony get 2nd place?
Because the price drop will sell for sony the amount they havent been able to sell. Producing sells of 2-3x more. Except that they are doing this a bit late. The System will deffinitely Beat the Xbox 360 for 2nd place. But it wont be able to put out Nintendo's Fire. Let's face it, Nintendo reclaimed it's crown as #1 once more.
And come on sony.. Saying the PS3 will be better in 2-3 years. WHY sony? Why? In 3 years we will start hearing things about the new Nintendo, the New Xbox, etc. Making your system be "last gen" because the new systems are 1-2 years away.
Gamers, parents, children, etc all around the world are hearing great things about the Nintendo Wii system. For example every gaming site has forums where the Wii's domination this console generation is talked about. Entising gamers to buy the system and try it out. And none gamers are hearing great things, that makes them convert to becoming gamers themselves. For example the Wii exclusive titles that help adults and the elderly such as Wii sports. And the soon to be WiiFitness.
The Nintendo Wii system didn't just begin dominating in the USA like the Xbox did, it completely took over Japan and Europe.
Japan also benefit from a lower price system. And games made for them. Not just american titles. Nintendo did a great job in selling to the entire world. Not just america. This is where like i said before Xbox failed.
This holiday season Nintendo takes off the gloves, and is releasing two of it's most selling franchiese: SMBB and Mario Galaxy. This two games alone will out sell Halo in the USA by a lot. Now.. let's talk about world wide sells. I already said how these two titles will beat Halo in the USA.. Remember how Xbox 360 have very little world wide reputation? Well Nintendo is doing Great in the World wide market. So SSMB and Mario Galaxy will sell out in Japan, and in europe. Adding a large number to the sells.
And guess what? This also proves that most people don't give in to the hype of pretty visuals. Which i am proud to see.
Wii and DS are in complete domination of the gaming world at the moment.
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