Seriously you guys have to agree! I'm not being sarcastic either, I'm SERIOUS! Ever since the first article titled "360 in distant third by 2010" or whatever the year was, Sony fanboys got all riled up about Sony making some magical comeback that would make PS3's sales go up dramatically and overrun the Wii and 360's, even when they were extremely far behind. (at the time Sony was doing very poorly in sales while 360's was steady and Wii demand was very high, like now) Once one of the analysts said "We see the 360 in third, the Wii in second, and the PS3 taking over" Sony fanboys got all "SONY WILL SO WIN THIS WAR" or "SONY WILL COME BACK AND CRUSH COMPETITION" stuff like that, thanks to that one quote, and to others about PS3 somehow winning the console war. Its what made the "wait and see" thing we've seen for song long, don't you see?? They're the reasons why we see on this board threads about radical and stupid Sony fanboys raving about some magical comeback that Sony would pull.
Well let's see, the 360's probably at about 17.8-18 million sales worldwide now, Wii at 19-20 million, and the PS3 at 8 million (estimated guess, maybe a bit higher) I don't see how PS3 could overrun those sales when its got about 10 million more units to outpass the 360 and 11 million to outdue the Wii. Reality will set in, and Sony's going to have a hard time catching up that high. Not saying they can't reach those numbers, but to surpass them this year or next will be a lot of work, even if krapzone 2 and Metal Gear Solid flop will be around.So what they said is a pretty odd estimate, because Sony can't take over being as far behind as they are now, unless sales for the 360 and Wii somehow stop magically and everyone turns to PS3.
Just tomake this simple, biased analyst remarks are what made Sony fanboys go ape**** with their comeback and "just wait andsee, we will dominate you ALL" threads. That one quote onPS3 taking over started this whole thing, or at least other ones saying Sony will take down competitionby2012. Its pretty hard to see that with sales right nowimo, even with 4 years left, but with sales going the way they are, and whenWii demand will be fixed when the shortage is, and when SSBB hits, it could get VERY tough for Sony to outdue the Wii, and whoknows about 360.All i'm saying is, Analysts likethe ones we've heard about made Sonyradicals' "wait and see" and "SONY WILL OWN YOU ALL" threads, and thats probably the truth. If not, well what did?ANSWER THAT FOR ME SONYRADICALS!!
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